[Assignments] Assign to by Group for Individual Assignment

This idea was submitted previously and archived (see below). I would also request the same thing. For individual assignments, I would like to be able to "Assign to" by Group. I often divide the class into groups with varying discussion assignments or assignment due dates, yet these are individual assignments. I teach large classes, so it is too much work to type in individual names repeatedly.


Assign to" Student Groups for Individual Assessment


I want to be able to create Groups based on their modification or need and assign it to that group.Currently we have teachers who have to type in a LOT of student names when it's a modified assignment. Being able to pre-create groups with those students in them and assign or exclude that group would save a lot of time.

Added to Theme

Enable Differentiated Learning at Scale Theme Status: In Development

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

While the differentiated group assignments has evolved, it sounds like there are still parts of it that can be enhanced.

Thank you for the discussion thread - please continue this dialog!

This feature idea will be open for vote from Wed. June 1, 2016 - Wed. September 7, 2016. Smiley Wink Learn more about the feature idea process and how to champion your idea.

Community Explorer

Differentiated Quiz groups is a  must! Differentiated assignments does not help a teacher who needs to give differentiated assessments to different tiers of students within a class. Typing in the names of each tier group member is cumbersome for our teachers. Some of our inclusion classes have three or four different versions of a test being given in order to meet the modification or accommodation needs of each special ed student. I am really surprised this feature does not already exist. I marked my calendar to vote for this idea June 1!

Community Novice

Thank you Ashley!  There should be a way for teachers to create a grouping of students in order to assign individual assignments thereby meeting federal law in implementing a student's individual education plan.  Currently, it is too cumbersome to individually assign the different versions of assignments, quizzes, and discussions to all 162 students each time.

Community Team
Community Team

This idea has moved to the next stage and will be open for voting among the Canvas Community, from Wed. June 1, 2016 - Wed. September 7, 2016.

Check out this doc for additional details about how the voting process works!

Community Novice

I clicked to Vote Up and it showed it as Voting Down. I had to click Voting Up Again to fix it. Then two of peers had the same problem. = ( They changed it to Vote up Again too, but that's scary.

Community Coach
Community Coach

It's a conspiracy.  Fight the man, man...

Community Novice

I am sure I voted but I dont see may name? Did my vote count? ups, smells like presidential elections...i hope not!

Community Team
Community Team

Yes, that was a Jive bug, that has been corrected.  To fix this, you just need to click 'vote up' again.

Community Team
Community Team

The 'voted' list is a known issue with Jive that has not been corrected.  If your button shows that 'vote up' has been selected, it counted.

Community Novice

Oh no!!  I just discovered this thread, and its a day late.  Voting still looks open, what threshold did this need to reach?  I was just trying to assign a group of students an individual assignment and was planning on using this quite a lot for my EC, AIG, ELL, and low literacy students.  The sooner we can get this functionality the better Canvas will be.

/Great discussion to read through.