There are some assignments that go out to the majority of my students except one or two per class. It would be great to be able to assign to "everyone" and then have a button to select which students are exempt from the assignment.
This would help with students who are retaking courses but in different grade-levels, students on IEPs with modified assignments, because both groups of students will see multiple assignments and get confused. Please, please, please include this in the next update!
I can't believe this isn't already an option! I have 100 students, some of whom are in a different grade and therefore do not need to do certain assignments, others who are on individualized learning plans and need to remove certain assignments as part of their accommodations. Their To Do lists are complete chaos and they're confused about which assignments to complete. I go in and enter "Excused" for those students, but they still show up in their gradebooks. Please fix it!!
I have students in every class that have some accommodation for disability, and need to double their testing time or change the format of the exam for. It would be great to have them take their own exam and exclude them from the general exam, without having to select everyone else in the class.
My Use Case: Students take a comprehension quiz over a chapter, but I have a group of 15 (out of 120) students who get modifications to their quizzes. It's not a problem to create separate quizzes for them and type in 15 names, but if I don't want the regular quiz showing up, I would have to type in the 105 names and exclude those 15.
I think the easiest solution would be to do as recommended above: Block an excused student from completing an assignment. I've excused students, but if they do they assignment anyway, when I sync my grades to SIS, it includes that excused attempt and I have to go in manually and remove it.
Another easy solution would be to simply change how students are inputed into the "assign to" box. This could change to a checkbox selection with a "check all" function and then unselecting kids it doesn't apply to. I'm happy unchecking 15 kids instead of typing in (which is a tedius process because you have to type slow for Canvas to not erase what you're typing while it's searching those names) 105 students.
I think that the second solution is the one we are looking for here. While the first solution you proposed, blocking the student from completing the assignment, would solve the grade calculation issue, it would not stop that assignment from being visible to students in their to do lists, assignment lists, or grades summary. Students and parents find extraneous items in these sections very confusing, and generally the students I am giving alternate assignments and exams to are the ones who are the least capable of navigating confusing situations.
also, in my experience, grading the assignment through speedgrader does not automatically make the missing label go away. to remove the missing label, you have to go through the gradebook and make the change by clicking on the "status" of the assignment.
It seems to me that the whatever the code is that gets used for the "Message Students Who..." option in the Gradebook, where student names automatically populate, and instructors can then remove ("X" out) those students names that the do NOT want the message sent to, might be modified to apply to the "Assign To" function?