[Assignments] Change Language on Apply Score to Ungraded Submissions

Request: Remove the reference to "artifacts" in the Apply Score to Ungraded dialog
I am excited about the ability to Apply Score to Ungraded Assignments. This will save me the hassle of having to use the Set Default Grade tool for multiple assignments in the same module. However, I find the language unclear in the Apply Score to Ungraded dialog:
Apply Score to Ungraded dialog
The distinction between ungraded past due and all ungraded makes sense, but the word "artifacts" implies that these are students with submissions. I had to test in my .beta environment to make sure that this score also applied to those students who had not made submissions. In the "Apply to" section of the dialog, please make the language more clear:
Apply to:
○ Only ungraded users that are past due
○ All ungraded users
Thank you.