[Assignments] Download Assignment Comments and Completed Rubrics

It would be nice to have an option to download everything related to a completed, graded assignment in one PDF: the annotated PDF of the submission, the "assignment comments" discussion, and the completed rubric with values.


Currently, within crocodo, we can "Download annotated PDF (includes comments)" and that's really helpful, but we have no way of downloading a record of the Assignment Comments and we have no way to download the rubric. (We've resorted to taking individual screen shots.)


This is important for accreditation - we need an archive of everything related to an assignment. Students need this for their e-portfolios, too.


This is related to a request in the old pre-2015 Zendesk request:

https://help.instructure.com/entries/22865834-Download-Speedgrader-Comments-with-Assignments which requested just that Assignment Comments be included. I would like to add Rubrics, too.


This idea was considered when developing our product plan for Q4 2019 and is not expected to influence development within Canvas at this time.

:smileyinfo: This idea will remain open for vote.

:smileyinfo: If this idea is in the top 10% by vote next cycle it will be reconsidered.


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Community Champion

The Sorting Rubrics Made Easy post was made before I knew what I was doing. It had people go through and create the script themselves. I haven't found the time to go back and update things. I'm still in a quest to find good places to put things because I'm trying to write things that multiple groups can benefit from.

I've since figured out you can just give it a .user.js extension and then you don't have to do coding. Like I said, once you figure it out, it's really easy to add Greasemonkey scripts to your browser. Some of them will work in Chrome using Tampermonkey - I think it depends on what features you use.

Community Contributor

 @kmeeusen , that is wonderful! Thank you for creating such a thing.  Please add me as a student. At this point I wouldn't have anything to contribute, I'm sure!  Thanks again.  I'll message you my email.

Community Champion


Thanks for the YouTube demo.  I have a couple of questions for you.

1. What API call did you use to find the rubric scores? I can only find the main grade score.  Where did I miss it?

2. I'm interested in getting your LTI to work on our system.  Are you planning on adding your script to GitHub so it can be accessed?


Community Contributor


Here is the api endpoint I'm

using: /api/v1/courses/'.$_REQUEST['courseid'].'/assignments/'.$_REQUEST['asstid'].'/submissions?include[]=rubric_assessment&include[]=user

I do have a version up at github, but it's not really in great shape at the

moment. https://github.com/bkinney/canvas

There are several branches in there, at least some of which have a

subfolder named export_rubric_scores. I think the tron branch is most up to

date, but if you can wait just a week or so, I'm hoping to be able to make

the app available through the eduappcenter.

On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 2:15 PM, mlewis23@ewu.edu <instructure@jiveon.com>

Community Champion

That is great news on both fronts.  Last time I checked that endpoint I swear it didn't have rubric scores, just the rubric criteria, but my eyes often deceive me.  I will likely try adding your LTI next week or the week after.  Thanks, this is great.

Community Contributor

The include[user] documentation wasn't there the last time I looked either,

and for a week or so, it wasn't working on my beta server. Was working on

both test and production. So, something has been a little hinky with it. I

hope it works for you, documentation or no documentation. The API is

unfortunately a bit of a moving target.

Community Novice

Vote open on

Community Champion

I just want to 2nd  @glackman  and encourage everyone to vote for the open feature request. It's halfway there. Please check it out and add your support so we can move forward toward making rubrics better for our faculty.

Community Contributor

Those interested in commenting functionality may also be interested in: Import Grade Comments

Community Champion

Hi  @James  and  @BKINNEY , I've read all your posts about your work on exporting rubrics. Do either of you have a final script/solution that I can try?Thanks for posting all your work so far!