[Assignments] Download Assignment Comments and Completed Rubrics

It would be nice to have an option to download everything related to a completed, graded assignment in one PDF: the annotated PDF of the submission, the "assignment comments" discussion, and the completed rubric with values.


Currently, within crocodo, we can "Download annotated PDF (includes comments)" and that's really helpful, but we have no way of downloading a record of the Assignment Comments and we have no way to download the rubric. (We've resorted to taking individual screen shots.)


This is important for accreditation - we need an archive of everything related to an assignment. Students need this for their e-portfolios, too.


This is related to a request in the old pre-2015 Zendesk request:

https://help.instructure.com/entries/22865834-Download-Speedgrader-Comments-with-Assignments which requested just that Assignment Comments be included. I would like to add Rubrics, too.


This idea was considered when developing our product plan for Q4 2019 and is not expected to influence development within Canvas at this time.

:smileyinfo: This idea will remain open for vote.

:smileyinfo: If this idea is in the top 10% by vote next cycle it will be reconsidered.


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Community Contributor

Theoretically, I have a solution you can install as an LTI tool. I say theoretically, because the version I'm actually running on our campus has been incorporated into a larger framework of Canvas Utilities, and no longer calls any of my token authorization code. In fact, I no longer call my token authorization code for anything, so that code is stale and untested. We have a stored token we use only on our own campus, and which is shared among all the apps that require API access. That won't be useful to you, so you'd have to tap into an older version that makes a token request every time the app is loaded.

If you want to go ahead and try installing my tool anyway, you need to be aware that the tool DOES require an API token. I don't store it, so you have to re-authorize for each use, but I COULD be lying to you and storing the token, which is mega-powerful, and gives me the ability to steal pretty much any data from the course for which it has been authorized, not to mention any other data accessible by the authorizing individual. Still interested?

Community Champion

 @BKINNEY ​, is there an evil laugh in there somewhere?

 @dejonghed07 ​, I've moved on to other things and never finished anything here.

Community Champion

OK - Thanks for letting me know, James!

Community Champion

Hi Becky,

Thank you for describing your LTI tool. I don't totally understand how it works, but it sounds like a security risk for us. Smiley Happy

We have a few specific healthcare courses that require printing rubrics (or exporting rubric data if that is possible) at the end of each semester. What I've found as a solution so far is taking a screenshot, but that's not ideal.

Thanks again for describing your solution!

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello all!

There is a new feature idea that will go up for voting on September 7th, that is similar to a part of this idea. Please head over and vote it up if giving students better access to the comments on their crocodoc submissions is still important to you.

Community Team
Community Team
  Idea is currently in Product Radar Learn more about this stage...
Community Novice

for external moderation (by another institution) we need to be able to donwload the assignment, comments, rubric and final grade

Community Novice

For accreditation procedures, this would be a particularly helpful feature. We need to be able to show examples of feedback on work that is of low, average, and high quality. Would like to be able to download the original work with markup, comments, filled out rubric, and final grade.

Community Contributor

Yep, this would be fantastic. One department is still using paper rubrics because it is easy to scan and send out. Really hope this goes through.

Community Champion

Our Nursing faculty have been waiting for this feature for 2 years. Here's an overview of how they're currently using #rubrics with #SpeedGrader on #mobile: https://community.canvaslms.com/people/dejonghed07