[Assignments] Each submission has its own rubric responses

Idea is currently in development

Problem statement:

I allow multiple submissions for assignments with the intention that the students be able to re-submit an assignment until they have mastered the material. For example, I'll mark the assignment and return it to the student with some feedback. The student can re-submit and aim for a better score. I've developed a rubric to help guide the student through the feedback. It's free-form text with some prompts ("areas where you excelled", "areas for improvement", etc.). When I re-grade the new submission, I'm shown the rubric from the previous submission. I can clear out the boxes, but that loses the historical information about prior attempts. I and the student would like to be able to access the prior rubrics so we can track the student's progress toward completion of the assignment.

Proposed solution:

Have an option to attach a fresh rubric to each submission. It could implemented be an option when you set up the rubric on the assignment page, or there could be a button in the SpeedGrader to blank out the rubric. When we select a prior submission in the SpeedGrader, it should show the rubric attached to that particular submission. If I'm in the middle of filling out the new rubric and I select a prior submission, it should "save" the current rubric so when I flip back to it the responses aren't lost. This will allow me to quickly review the prior rubric responses and see how the student has implemented my feedback.

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Status changed to: In Development