[Assignments] Move or Delete Incorrectly Submitted Assignments

If a student submits an assignment to say week 2 folder when it should have been submitted to week 3, currently there is no way to move that assignment to the correct location as the Teacher.  This core functionality exists in all other LCS.LMS and should be considered for inclusion in Canvas's core modules.


Brought over from the old Canvas Community

Submitted by: Michael Black

Date: 6/3/2011

Votes: 112

Community Member

I concur that teachers ought to be able to unravel messes that students inadvertently create.  I work in a High School with shared classroom devices, and routinely students forget to log out or check if they are in their own accounts.  I also work with second language learners and want to be able to assist them in my classes and across the curriculum with their "goofs"

Community Novice

I can't believe that this has been archived for over 6 years!!!!! This is a standard feature in EVERY OTHER LMS I've worked in. We just moved to Canvas and I have to say, this type of stuff is what makes it beyond frustrating. People have been asking for this to be a feature as a very real problem for years. 

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @rbarrett25 ...

In all fairness, I had brought this Feature Idea over from the old Canvas Community website, and the Feature Idea process was different then.  Although my submission here in the Canvas Community first started in April 2015, I do agree that this would be a nice feature to have in Canvas.  A similar Feature Idea could be submitted again.  Maybe priorities have changed for people since April 2015.  I'm also encouraged by Deactivated user‌'s comment, "I'm going to have to Archive this for now, but don't lose hope. This is a really solid feature request and one that deserves our attention. It won't evaporate from our minds just because it's archived right now."

Community Novice

It would also be helpful if students can delete their own file submissions. I recently submitted a java file for a programming course in Canvas, I ended up needing to resubmit after making changes to my code. When I made the submission a second time, my java files had the convenient "-1" added to the end of their file names. For most, this is a helpful feature if you cannot recall which version of a file you submitted first. However for a program file, such as my .java files, this feature will cause the java program not to compile or run correctly if it is downloaded from canvas with that amended file name. Giving students the power to rename or delete previous submissions for an assignment could be very useful in cases where the submitted file name is important. It would be easy for a grader to overlook this naming issue when downloading a student's submission, and then take off points for the student's program seeming to have errors.

Community Novice

I agree with Rebecca, I believe students should also have the capability to delete their own submissions. This would certainly save students like me from a great deal of frustration. Thank you!

Community Novice

Is this for real? I’ve just been foced into adopting Canvas and I honestly can’t believe that this function doesn’t exist. I’ve got lots of students new to the environment and they’ve accidentally uploaded the wrong files. This is not a one-off... I might just ditch Gradebook for TurnItIn instead

Community Explorer

I had a student submit a file to the wrong assignment.  I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out how to move it to the right place, only to find out that Canvas made this obvious need impossible.  (I thought it was just really well hidden, like so many of Canvas's features.)

This was my first time using Canvas, and so far I have been decidedly unimpressed with the available features and the awkward interface.

Community Explorer

"It won't evaporate from our minds just because it's archived right now."  That was in 2015.  It sounds to me like "Archived" means "forget it forever".

Community Novice

We have a student that accidentally submitted confidential information and would like for the submission to be deleted.  This functionality is definitely needed.

Community Novice

I've encountered a problem where a student shared private information about being sexual assaulted in an assignment submission. It is incredibly important that I be able remove this submission to protect the student's information from being shared with all Instructors and Teaching Assistants for the course. The ability to delete submissions is desperately needed in situations like this.