[Assignments] Move or Delete Incorrectly Submitted Assignments

If a student submits an assignment to say week 2 folder when it should have been submitted to week 3, currently there is no way to move that assignment to the correct location as the Teacher.  This core functionality exists in all other LCS.LMS and should be considered for inclusion in Canvas's core modules.


Brought over from the old Canvas Community

Submitted by: Michael Black

Date: 6/3/2011

Votes: 112

Community Novice

The reason I would want to delete a submission by a student, and not simply allow for a resubmission is because sometimes (more often than you'd think among young adults) students submit to the wrong assignment. This gives the instructor the incorrect information that the student has submitted assignment B and not submitted assignment A. The instructor does not detect the error until he begins grading.

Another reason I would want to delete a submission is because I don't normally allow resubmissions in my assignments.

Community Novice

We recently had someone submit a screenshot for an assignment that contained sensitive information (SSN#, passwords). We have to be able to delete such submissions.

This could even be worse, echoing Helena's comment: Let's assume someone has tons of files on their desktop, and they want to submit their assignment but instead select a PDF that contains, say, sensitive medical records, or a bank statement. Based on other comments here, this absolutely happens. Should they or an admin really not be able to delete this file? At least an admin should be able to delete such a submission/file.

It is absolutely crazy that this cannot be deleted. What about lawsuits in such a case?

Community Novice

I am becoming more and more disappointed with Canvas. How is this not a feature? It was requested 5 years ago and yet you still cannot do it? Instructure needs to become more responsive or they will be losing a ton of business.

Community Explorer

Instructure does not lose business because of their inability to provide essential features—the people who choose Canvas for campuses are not the people who use it, so Instructure can completely ignore the users and just provide marketing material to the administrators.  This has been a problem with every LMS—the people who choose the system don't have to suffer as a result of a bad choice, so there is no incentive for the LMS developers to do anything right.

Community Explorer

Delete submitted files, quizzes etc is essential. We recently moved from the antiquated BB, and I cannot believe there is no move and delete for student submissions in Canvas.

Interestingly, our Office of Legal Counsel just informed us students need the ability to delete their content and that we should be deleting student content from LMS at the end of the semester (may be archived elsewhere). They seemed surprised that we literally cannot do that on Canvas.

Community Explorer

Deleting submissions is an essential feature. Disappointed to see how long it has been proposed with no action. The general attitude of "retain everything" is mistaken.

Community Member

Agreed. All of the use cases I've read in this post are accurate, real-world scenarios that I have experienced, as well as one that I haven't seen here, which is instructor error. If an instructor's individual, verbal instruction to a student is mis-conveyed, causing a student to submit un-gradeable or faulty work as a result, the instructor needs the ability to give students a resubmission opportunity after the clarification is made.

In one of my classes, the instructors have assignments that prohibit multiple submissions and limit the student to only one submission. If there is any need whatever for a particular student to resubmit due to errors not made by that student, there is no recourse for instructors other than to delete the entire assignment and make the whole class resubmit. This is rather senseless, I believe.

Community Member

Please create a function for instructors to delete incorrectly uploaded assignments so that students can resubmit them. Further, instructors should also have the ability to create additional attempts for specific students instead of increasing the amount of allowable attempts for the entire class.  

Community Member


We need this feature!

Please enable submission deletions or the ability to ignore submissions.

Once a student submits you can't turn the assignment into a group assignment.


Community Member

How is this not a feature yet on Canvas? Students submit assignments incorrectly all the time! With so many instructors over so many years sharing their interest in this feature, it should be a priority for Instructure.