[Assignments] Sort Peer Review by Reviewer, not by Reviewee

Problem statement:

Canvas currently groups peer review according to the essay being reviewed, so if I want to find Horatio's comments, I need to look for Estelle's essay. This makes grading difficult. It also precludes any possibility of notifying students that they have not yet completed their peer reviews.

Proposed solution:

Allow a separate sort that shows which students have commented and groups their comments together, making the grading process easier and allowing reminders to encourage student success.

User role(s):


Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Participant

A great view of the academic side of the platform. Additional sorting and filtering would be most welcome for the diverse set of use cases that our brilliant teachers use.

Community Participant

Agreed, this would make grading peer reviews a lot simpler, specially for large cohorts

Community Explorer

Agreed. The grading feature for peer review is clumsy and confusing - both for the instructor and the students. It is difficult to know to whom you have been assigned, difficult to locate the appropriate file to review and worse to grade.

It is frustrating for everyone involved and requires too many unnecessary steps.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Added to Theme