[Assignments] Student Preview of Submission Feature

Problem statement:

When students submit work to Canvas, they will sometimes submit the wrong file, a corrupt file or attempt type 'types' of uploads such as Studio+File Upload. Whilst students can currently check their submitted file under 'submission details' this is a bit hidden and requires students proactively checking their work.

Proposed solution:

It would be great to have provide a feature that gives students a 'preview' of their submitted work to check without having to click any additional buttons (especially buttons off to the side). Either that or making the 'submission details' button more prominent on the screen and with a more obvious name such as 'check submission'. This would provide students with easier means to check their work is submitted correctly (and no files have been 'lost' as is the case when students try to submit a file upload and another 'type' of upload). From a teacher's perspective, it should hopefully reduce the number of conversations needed with students about work that has been submitted incorrectly.

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