[Assignments] file upload submission needs to confirm details
Idea is currently in development |
for file upload submission students need to see the filename and file type of each submission on screen as confirmation. currently it only shows the file as a pdf viewer. IF students have submitted a different file format they have no way of knowing that it has uploaded correctly and no confirmation that they selected the correct file to upload. we get student selecting the wrong file to upload from thier computer all the time but they have no visibility of which one has gone in. eg. if a student is expected to submit a word doc or xls and has several versions/iterations on this on their computer once they upload the file they have no way of knowing if they picked the right one.
when the upload is confirmed and file is displayed to student as pdf viewer place a link on the page to the actual file they uploaded with full file name (this is seen in the speedgrader for the teacher so why not the student)