[Assignments] file upload submission needs to confirm details

Idea is currently in development

Problem statement:

for file upload submission students need to see the filename and file type of each submission on screen as confirmation. currently it only shows the file as a pdf viewer. IF students have submitted a different file format they have no way of knowing that it has uploaded correctly and no confirmation that they selected the correct file to upload. we get student selecting the wrong file to upload from thier computer all the time but they have no visibility of which one has gone in. eg. if a student is expected to submit a word doc or xls and has several versions/iterations on this on their computer once they upload the file they have no way of knowing if they picked the right one.

Proposed solution:

when the upload is confirmed and file is displayed to student as pdf viewer place a link on the page to the actual file they uploaded with full file name (this is seen in the speedgrader for the teacher so why not the student)

User role(s):


Community Participant

seems to currently work if you submit multiple files but not a single file!? https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Question-Forum/Not-Clear-what-file-is-submitted-for-studen... 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Seeking Clarity

Hi @BethSmithvuw -

Thanks for sharing this idea with the Instructure Community!

Have you explored Assignment Enhancements? I think some of the confirmation needs would be met with that user experience! How do I upload a file as an assignment submission for a course using Assignment Enhancements?

If you're using Assignment Enhancements, where do you think the clarification could be added?

We're looking forward to collaborating with you!

Community Participant

I would imagine that when you get the pdf viewer  confirmation of submission it should show you in the details area what the file name is and give you a link. as mentioned before this happens with multiple file submissions but not a single one!?



Community Participant

file submission.png

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Status changed to: In Development

Hi @BethSmithvuwThank you for your feedback! I've moved this idea into development and created a ticket to address the issue you've identified. Once we complete work on the ticket I will provide an update here; you can also watch the deploy notes for any updates on this or related work. 

Community Participant

it would also be good if they can download a copy of thier original file from here as a confirmation instead of having to go through MyFiles and submission copies.