[Assignments] per-user-reattempts for assignments

Your new "Assignment Allowed Attempts" feature is useful and aligns the behavior of assignments and quizzes in Canvas. Please consider adding the option of per-user-reattempts for assignments. This can be done through moderation for quizzes and is very handy in our standards based assessment environment. Our students can request a reattempt on assignments and quizzes after demonstrating that they are better prepared.

Added to Theme

Enable Differentiated Learning at Scale Theme Status: In Development

Community Explorer

Yes, please add this feature! We recently moved to Canvas and had this feature in another LMS.

Community Participant

Everyone make mistakes.

Canvas should not make it difficult for instructors to correct an assignment submission made in error (incomplete submission, wrong file, submitted to the wrong assignment etc.).

The existing workarounds are just that - workarounds. Not very good ones, at that.

A feature to allow a specific student one more attempt should not be difficult to implement.

Community Member

This is still needed.

Community Member

It is absurd that this feature does not exist.  This is a simple basic feature of most every other system.

A simple - delete submission, so it would be as if the student never submitted it in the first place.  Having spent the past two hours searching and reading comment going back over 7 years, it is absurd that this functionality is not present.

Just in the past 5 days, I have needed this feature for 6 students.  It is taking up my time and getting very frustrating to deal with this.

Get this SIMPLE feature in now.

Community Member

Why has this not been addressed?! I only limit assignment submission when peer reviews are required. The only reason I limit to one attempt is because peer reviewers cannot see anything except the latest submission. Being able to allow a second attempt to individual students who mistakenly submit to the one attempt assignments should be a feature —OR— peer reviewers should be able to see all attempts. It’s very frustrating.

Community Explorer

@RobertBierman That's our main issue at our institution; our old LMS had this functionality, so it's difficult to sell Canvas as the better LMS.  I'm hoping that a feature is developed to either let instructors delete an attempt or add additional attempts on an individual basis (like you can in Quizzes).

Community Explorer

We recently switched to Canvas from a different LMS. The LMS we switched from also had this feature. Please develop this feature for assignments in Canvas.

Community Explorer

We need this too. Either allow us to delete the first submission the student messed up, or let us create a second attempt for just that one student without giving the entire class the ability to make a second attempt. Blackboard has had the "Ignore Attempt" and "Allow Additional Attempt" buttons for, what, a couple decades?

Community Member

I wanted to add a formal/official recommendation and request for this feature to be added to assignments.  I would love to be able to add an extra attempt for students.  I'm dealing with this problem as we speak with a student who tried to submit something and the quality wasn't great so he tried again and now he's used up his attempts and cannot submit a high quality file.  He needs to be able to submit the assignment via Canvas as we do not accept assignments via email or any other method.  

Community Explorer

@EmilyCouncil We had a similar situation at our institution. Hoping that this feature is added soon.