Auto Save Rubrics or Give Save Warning

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Several times, when grading with a rubric, I find that I have navigated away from the rubric without saving the marks. Is it possible to add a warning that the rubric markings have not been saved when I attempt to navigate away? I believe that sometimes this happens because I added comments at the bottom of the grading page, and only hit that "Submit" button, but not the Save button for the rubric. Perhaps that Submit button could take care of both the rubric and the comments? 

Community Member

@JoannaFurno, I cannot agree with you more.

There are many features in Canvas that are actually a bug stemming from VERY POOR DESIGN. What we are asking is NOT AN ENHANCEMENT that needs to be voted on.

I see that this thread has started in 2019. That's what happens when there is no oversight and the system relies on so-called self-regulation! 

Community Explorer

Like clockwork during the grading season, I have had yet another academic send me a message to say that their marking is done, but they have not clicked "Save" on their rubric (because the UI is so bad it looks sensible that the "Submit" button is the right thing to do).

Now I have to write back and say that the time they spent filling out the rubric was wasted, please do it again. No problem that you're just a Level E Prof who has better things to do with their time.

Community Explorer

Ding ding ding. Academic #2 has just reported that they entered their marks and lost them because they hit Submit not Save.

Not only does this annoy them and waste their time, it also delays the marking process because here I am waiting for their marks to appear and they are sitting there thinking their marks have been entered.

I'm not sure how many times we need to provide feedback that the UI for the rubrics is atrocious and is costing real money in wasted time and stress.

Community Explorer

at this point it just happens to me every time I use the rubric so I expect it and take deep breaths.  I type fast and I inevitably hit the n or p key to advance and then it's gone. Every. Single. Time. which is every 3-4 weeks. I stopped posting about it b/c we don't ever hear an update - these seem to just go to a void and the comments are  ignored. 

the original question was submitted 2 years ago and we are still here.

Community Explorer

HEAR HEAR @a1063023 

Same here, @mstpierre 

What can we do to actually make someone listen to our complaints? 

@Stef_retired What can we do to put this higher up in Canvas's priorities?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@kyh802  The Instructure Canvas roadmap is developed using input from multiple sources in addition to the Idea Conversations forum. We recommend that our customers bring their top ideas to the attention of their school's Customer Success Manager (CSM) during their regular conversations. If you're not the named Canvas admin for your school, please bring this to your admin's attention so they can include it in their next CSM meeting.

Community Member

I really appreciate how the Canvas SpeedGrader feature helps streamline my grading process, but there is one feature that would greatly benefit instructors, students and Instructure's product: an autosave feature for the SpeedGrader rubric.

Instructors are losing student feedback and grading hours due to AWS outages, connectivity issues, accidental trackpad back swipes (oops!), etc. 

An autosave feature exists for the "Assignment Comments" feature of SpeedGrader (screen capture embedded below—and attached). If a similar autosave feature was applied to the rubric's entry fields, Instructure would improve UI experience for us instructors, as well as save our time and the detailed feedback crafted for our students. It's a win-win-win!  

Screen Shot 2021-12-20 at 12.51.05 PM.png

Another solution option that partially addresses this issue—in the case of accidental back swipes but not outages/connectivity issues—would be to provide some sort of pop-up notice requiring the instructor to OK leaving the page without saving the rubric changes in an "Are you sure want to leave the page; changes may be lost" way.  

There are a number of similar idea submissions already posted on this topic; prioritizing this issue would improve Canvas' UI, be greatly appreciated by instructors and benefit students waiting on our feedback! 

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Emma Murray

Community Explorer

Just to update folks regarding @Stef_retired 's suggestion I speak to the Customer Success Manager, this is the response I got from Canvas going through that route: "Thank you for your patience while we communicated with Canvas support. The response we have received is that they are aware of the request for this change, but that it is not on their road-map to implement. To encourage Canvas to implement it, please vote on the issue and add your comments here: "



Community Explorer

@kyh802 — thanks for sharing that. I get very discouraged by comments like this and wonder if there is any point to putting up ideas into the Canvas Community at all — besides as an opportunity to rant and see how other people are working around the issues.

Community Member

I have never seen a vendor so indifferent to its customers' (in this case "higher education faculty") needs. And this topic/flaw is not the only one they have totally ignored. 

@kyh802 is absolutely right. There is no point in telling this vendor about these issues and the flaws in their product. We are just wasting more valuable time. The response that my school gets from their so-called Customer "Success" Manager is not any better.  

They have created a half cooked product and are not willing to fix the issues.

I assume it is good to be a monopoly.....and seeing the right people in the State Capitals, I guess?!