Bold Title Field of Global Announcements

  This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas




  Idea open for vote Wed. November 2, 2016 - Wed. February 1, 2017  Learn more about voting...


I would like to be able to bold the "Title" field of Global Announcements I post to the Dashboard.  Currently, the title field font size is slightly larger than the default size text in the body of the announcement.  Bolding the "Title" would make it stand out more for everyone.






  Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Production Release Notes (2016-12-10)

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thank you for submitting this feature idea,  @Chris_Hofer ​! Learn more about the feature idea process and how to champion your idea.

Your feature idea will be open for vote from Wed. November 2, 2016 - Wed. February 1, 2017. Smiley Wink

Community Champion

"Following," so I remember to come back and vote on this one. I often log in to Canvas and barely glance at the global announcements (usually just to notice there are some) before clicking on the course I logged in to check on. So it would be great to have the title of the announcements stand out so that on glancing, I can have an idea of the importance and whether I need to attend to it right away.

Community Champion

Bookmarked too!

Community Champion

Isn't making it a heading more appropriate than using bold? Bold doesn't really convey context or meaning.

Without looking at it, if the title is already slightly larger, then adding some kind of emphasis should just be a matter of adding some CSS to your site to style it as you please. That is, unless Canvas has gone into their inline styling like they seem to have been doing with new features.

If you want to actually change the markup so that it becomes a heading, then that would require some custom JavaScript.

Community Champion

Plus making it a header would make it more accessible.

Thank you, James.

Community Team
Community Team

Hi  @James ​...

Thanks for the suggestion.  I'm not much of a coder, so I don't know enough to be able to change the global JavaScript or CSS file for the "Title" field.  Smiley Sad  Might need some help with that one.

I did some further testing of the "Title" field in Global Announcements this morning.  While I agree that using the "Header" options available in the RCE's "Paragraph" dropdown list would be a good alternative, I ran into an issue with the "Title" text box.  (I tested this in our "Test" environment.)  If I have a couple paragraphs of text in the body of the announcement with no "Title", when I try and publish the announcement, it kicks me back to the "Title" field with this:


There isn't any indication (such as an asterisk) to let me know beforehand that this field is required.

So, then I tried to add one blank space in the title field...then publish it.  This time, the announcement appears as though it was going to save/publish properly, but then I got a different message at the very top of Canvas:


I tried creating the same announcement again...this time with two spaces.  Same result.  So it appears that there has to be some kind of visible text in the "Title" field in order to publish a Global Announcement.

Community Champion

I probably wasn't clear enough, sorry. Canvas should probably style it as a header when rendering it, not that people should make it a header in their RCE.

My comments were for those wanting to do something before Canvas got around to it.

Community Team
Community Team

Ah!  Makes sense.  Thanks for the clarification.  Smiley Happy

Community Champion


Aren't announcements like most Canvas pages, and the page title is already set as Header Style, Level 1?

Haven't looked at the code, but just assumed.


Community Champion

Ok, I got to where I could take a look. It appears that Canvas is already marking it up with a heading.

It's an h4 element with a classes of ic-notification__title and notification_subject.


This appears more of a case of just adjusting the CSS so that it sticks out more.

Note, I didn't actually pull up the page where the announcements are displayed, this was from the announcement creation page.