[Calendar] Cross Out A Completed Event In Your Own Calendar

As a student, instructors can add assignments to the calendar so that we can see. Once we complete the assignment, the assignment title on the calendar can be crossed out. It would be helpful to have the ability to cross out calendar events that we create, so that we know we completed an assignment that the instructors didn't add themselves. We can delete our own events, but I will forget if I did the assignment or I forgot to add it to the calendar.

Community Member

Certain assignments that are not turned in through canvas cannot be marked off as completed since they cannot be submitted. Please include an option to manually strike agenda and calendar items as completed. 

Community Novice

Could we PLEASE have the ability to strikethrough, move, or delete assignments on the Canvas calendar that have been added by an instructor?  I have a professor that adds ALL tasks to the calendar (i.e. reading assignments, required videos to view, etc.), but there is nothing to "submit" so the assignment remains open on the calendar.  I use my calendar to track outstanding assignments, and since I can't strikethrough or delete these assignments once I've completed them, I'm getting confused about what I've completed and what is still outstanding.

Students should have the ability to completely modify their own calendars, even if it's to their own detriment.  You could add a warning, to make sure instructor assignments don't get modified by mistake, but we should have the option to make these changes.  This would also apply if an instructor granted an extension on an assignment, we should be able to drag/move the assignment to a new date.

Thank you!

Community Member

As a student, I love the calendar in canvas, and when you submit something, it crosses it out. Some items on the calendar are not set up to be automatically crossed out when submitting, so there should be a way to manually cross out to keep better track of what you need to be done.

Community Member

When i look in my calendar, I´m usually looking to see when assignments are due. Ill have most of them done but the calendar is confusing. There just there make me thing have have much more to do. It will help to cross them out out delete them from the calendar when the assignment is done.

Community Member


This visual is very important to my process. I understand that my issue is coming from the inability for Canvas and 3rd party plug-ins to fully integrate. If I have to access my assignment through Pearson or McGraw Hill, Canvas doesn't understand that there is a completed assignment. So, if the 2 platforms are not fully talking to each other (which I understand is more complicated than one might think), it makes sense that the user of the calendar could control the state of the assignment. 

I believe I did the work, but I inevitably have to switch to the grade book or log in to the other platform to verify it is completed. Because of the length of time between the assignment being posted and the due date, it is impossible to remember every specific assignment and their accurate completion status when taking a full load of courses. What this leaves the student with is:

1. Depending on how you are viewing your assignments one (the grade book) shows a completed status and the other (the calendar) does not - for the same assignment

2. You can be in the calendar and see completed assignments that are both crossed out and not crossed out. (These assignments in my calendar are all complete but they reflect different statuses in the calendar.)Canvas.pngThis is confusing and time consuming for students to reconcile each assignment every time there is a question of status. This is a continuity issue that creates a poor experience for the user. 




Community Novice

Could someone please add a check-mark completion box to each calendar entry regardless of who created the entries? That would be wonderful!!! Thank you!

Having the ability to cross off items in the calendar could make a lot of us more efficient because we have a hard time working in messy conditions. We are forced to sit there and waste time figuring out what needs to be done, instead of just reading what needs to be done. Our calendars are a complete mess when we cannot control them. The only way I see that an assignment gets crossed off is when we actually submit the assignments through Canvas, but the submission through Canvas is not applicable in many courses, especially technical courses.

Example scenarios for when the assignments don't get crossed off:

  1. When a professor creates an assignment that we submit through their course's online learning tool (I.E: MindTap by Cengage and My Lab by Pearson), the assignment doesn't get crossed off when we complete them.
  2. When we attend school in person, some professors have us turn papers in during class, not through Canvas.
  3. I had a professor who was not technologically inclined. He wanted everyone to send their assignments to him through email. He set-up the Canvas calendar, but never used Canvas.


Community Member

I support this proposition as well since it would improve my work flow, efficiency, and concentration with the implementation of the feature.

Community Member

This is a necessary addition to the calender in Canvas.  I love the at-a-glance view and the automatic strikeout of Canvas added assignments, but I add a lot of my own items and would really like the ability to strike out when completed.

Community Novice

allow students to mark calendar items done and place a strikethrough on said items

Community Member

I love being able to use the calendar as a student. I also love that it will put a mark through completed tasks that have been submitted. My only issue is that some of my classes do not execute the calendar how I would like them to. For this reason I add my own tasks to my Canvas calendar so that I am able to stay organized. But when I am finished with the assignment, I would like to be able to mark it as completed so that I am able to see it as completed even though there is no online submission. That would help a ton with assignments that get physically turned in instead of through the submission tab. I also think it would be helpful if you could change the colors of each individual task to any that you want (even though I know you can choose specific classes) but maybe I want to put other activities I have on my calendar and them not only be the one color that I choose for my personal tasks. Thanks!