[Catalog] Sort Subcatalog Administrators
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas |
We would like subcatalog administrators in Canvas Catalog to be sorted by alphabetical order or the order in which they were added (either at the top or the bottom of the subcatalog administrator list). Currently, subcatalog administrators that are added into Canvas Catalog are jumbled in order and if you have the same person in multiple subcatalogs you need to use command and F or control and F to find all of the names and their associated subcatalogs.
Here is more information: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Canvas-Catalog/How-do-I-add-a-user-as-a-subcatalog-admin/ta-p/174...
Added to Theme
Completed Ideas that pre-date the Ideas and Themes structure Theme Status: Delivered
Improved flexibility in Catalog listing management and reporting Theme Status: Prioritized