Comment Library for Canvas Teacher App

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

With the addition of the Comment Library in Speedgrader, it would be amazing to have access to the same collection of frequently used comments while grading using the Canvas Teacher app. This addition would help all graders who use a variety of devices to provide feedback to learners!

I love the library as a tool, but for now, those using Canvas Teacher app will continue to rely on copy/paste from another document, and that's an extra step on a smaller screen. I think that having the library available would be a huge benefit as graders share frequently used comments. 

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Open
Community Coach
Community Coach

I have teachers that absolutely LOVE using the Teacher App for grading.   Having this awesome feature added to the app would be amazing.

Community Member

Yes, this would be a really useful addition. 

Community Member

I agree that the Comment Library would be amazing to have in the Canvas Teacher App.  It's so much easier to grade in the Canvas Teacher App using the annotation tools in Canvas when I grade uploaded handwritten math assignments on my iPad rather than my computer.  But I still want to leave a general comment so students will see that overall comment in their Grades or get notifications of the comment, which then triggers them to review my annotations on their submission.  If I could just save that in the Comment Library rather than either typing it each time or copy and pasting it from somewhere, that would be much more efficient with my grading time. 

Community Team
Community Team

@jozsefdavid created a post that invites Canvas Teacher users to provide feedback!

SpeedGrader's Comment Library on Mobile - Instructure Community  

I'm excited to have the opportunity to participate, and I hope other Community members feel the same. 👍

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: In Development
  Comments from Instructure
Community Member

I would absolutely love a comment bank feature on mobile! 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed
Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Teacher Release Notes (Android 1.16) and Canvas Teacher Release Notes (iOS 1.15)

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Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed