Copy question from quiz to question bank

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

Sometimes when you are writing a quiz question, you might decide this is a good question to save into a specific question bank.   Even if the question is from a question bank, you might notice a mistake in a question and you want to save the corrected version to the original question bank.


Right now, the only way to do this right now is to copy and paste it all the questions and answers.  This is tedious -- especially for multiple choice questions.  It would be much easier if there was a save to question bank option.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Glad to hear that you figured out a work around!

Community Participant

To canvas developer: Correct me if I am wrong, but right now the only option I find is to "move" a question from one bank to another bank. The "copy" option is essential; and basic for functionality I wonder why it is missing. Does canvas plan to rely on Blackboard to fill up this basic lack of function?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hello,  @marianna_pinter  (and a slightly belated)  Welcome to the Canvas Community! From your comment, it sounds like your institution is still using the legacy quiz tool. The ability to copy or move a question within an item bank is available in the new Quizzes.Next tool: 


Please reach out to your school's Canvas admin for additional guidance on how you can get started with the new quiz tool, and have a look through the Quizzes.Next User Group‌ for resources.

Community Contributor

Hi stefaniesanders‌, I thought I would let you know that in the legacy quiz, you can copy questions from bank to bank too. It is similar to the Quizzes.Next features: How do I move/copy a question from one question bank to another?

Users (as far as my institution has) must still copy questions one-by-one. There is no "multiple copy" ability like the Quizzes.Next articles are mentioning: Moving/Copying Multiple Questions

Thank you.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thanks for clarifying this, cpadavano!  @marianna_pinter ‌, is this not consistent with what you are seeing?

Community Participant

Hi Stephanie - I don't have any copy option - I understand that my university just starts to work on the "new quiz," but i was advised not to use it on live course unless I am already versed. - I read somewhere that 1 question canbe copied, but I havn't  tried it since that option is way too far from being useful for me - Thank you for asking

Community Novice

If you are a new user, perhaps you are confusing quiz and question bank?

Canvas lets you copy questions from one question bank to another question bank or copy questions from question banks to quizzes but you cannot copy questions from quizzes to question bank nor from one quiz to another quiz (at least in any simple way).

Community Participant

I am a new user. . .I am not confusing quiz & question bank.. . From a legacy bank multiple questions can only be moved, but not copied to another legacy bank; and this is obviously an issue

Community Member

Some of us are forced to use the legacy quizzes because of Proctorio.  

Make it easier to put questions from a copied quiz into the test bank. Questions from quizzes you copy, do not end up in "unfiled bank" and have to be copied from a zip file made from an export. ARGGGG


Make it easier to copy a question or a whole quiz. I should be able to easily copy a quiz question. I should be able to make a copy of a whole quiz. I realize I can use the question bank, but that is awkward. Users are used to "copy" operations being available.

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Complete
Comments from Instructure


Sorry for the delay in the update to this thread! This was made available within New Quizzes over 12 months ago. If you have any questions, please visit the New Quizzes Hub.