[Course Settings] Course Settings for File Uploads in Discussions Contradict Rich Text Editor Behavior

When the course setting "Let students attach files to discussion" is not selected, students can still attach files to the discussion through the Rich Text Editor. This seems counterintuitive. If we want to disable and discourage file attachments in the course discussions by not selecting a course setting that specifically addresses this behavior, the tools in the Discussion area (i.e., Rich Text Editor) should align with the course settings and not provide a workaround for students to do the very behavior we are attempting to discourage. 

If the course setting is not selected to permit file uploads in Discussions, the tools for Discussion should align with this course setting. We need the ability to turn off file uploads or attachments in Discussions, as noted in the course settings. 

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Hi @mcordes1 -

Are you using Canvas's standard Discussions format or the new Discussions Enhancements? I'd like to look into this further and help determine if this is working "as intended" or if it's a bug that needs to be shared with Support and/or our Product Team.

I look forward to collaborating with you! Thanks! 🙂


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Thank you @KristinL! We are using the standard Discussions format. 

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