Create Options for Muting and Un-muting

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


Whether I am setting up a Canvas course or closing one out at the end of the term, I find a need to be able to Mute or Un-mute ALL assignments without having to do one at a time.  With five courses, this gets very time consuming.  I believe the drop-down menu should give options to mute or un-mute ALL or SELECT (individual) assignments.  I hope this flies!!


Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the .

Community Champion

Hi  @cynthiabishop 

The feature ideas process is currently in a holding stage; please refer to Changes Coming to Canvas Community Feature Ideas. While we're waiting, I'd like to call your attention to similar ideas that are currently open for voting that you might find meet your needs and can support.

  • - not really what you are looking for, but you may still want to check it out.
  • - also not really what you are looking for, but you may still want to check it out.

Here is a recently archived idea that seems to fit what you are seeking perfectly:

Once the new process is unveiled, the Community Team will evaluate your submission and decide whether to move it forward for the next voting period.


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thank you for your idea,  @cynthiabishop ‌! It will open for voting on March 1, 2017 as part of the relaunch of feature idea voting. Find out more about the changes we made in Changes are here: New feature idea processes went live Friday! (2/24/17)

Community Participant

This is a good idea.  I sometimes was to play around with a participation grade to see if raising or lowering it has a significant effect on the student's final grade.  When doing the final grading students get very interested and notice any little change so I would rather the back end be opaque to them until the instructor has finalized the grades. 

Community Contributor

As I mute assignments for the upcoming semester . . . one assignment at a time, three clicks per assignment . . . I long for a way to "mute all" at once. Or maybe "select all," then mute/unmute the assignments I've selected. My mouse button fingers are getting tired! 

Community Team
Community Team
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas 

For more information, please read through the Canvas Release Notes (2019-07-13) .

Community Team
Community Team

 @cynthiabishop  Thank You  for submitting this idea, as well as,  @wturgeon  Thank You &  @Beth_Young  Thank You  for your contributions. Your investment in this idea helped refine a feature which is now part of Canvas!

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: New
Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Completed