Custom Canned Comments in Speedgrader

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through the  Canvas Release Notes (2021-06-19).

I want the option to customize multiple canned comments in speedgrader. I find myself using 3 or 4 different comments using speedgrader, i.e., "Please Submit", "#### and resubmit", etc...

This has been a request since August 2012:

Ability to Save and Copy from Frequently Used Comments in Crocodoc : Help Center

Please also refer to this related and very similar idea that is currently also open for voting:
Community Contributor

I would love to see this feature added to Canvas. It's got my up-vote!

For interim workarounds, I see lots of Windows-specific and browser-specific programs...

To help our Mac users, I found a program called Keyboard Maestro that's very configurable. My free trial hasn't expired yet, but I'm starting to get nags now. (And I can't tell if it actually expires or just becomes nagware.)

I used it to create hotkeys for 3 canned messages that are only active in SpeedGrader, but you could easily tweak it to add more. (Off-topic, but I also used it to speed up creating Outcomes with non-default scoring configurations, which was a hit at my school.)

I would select some comment text and then use Shift+Ctrl+1, Shift+Ctrl+2, or Shift+Ctrl+3 to copy the current selection a comment.

Then use Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, or Ctrl+3 to insert the corresponding comment on other submissions (like pasting).

This should also work in document annotation inside SpeedGrader, but I haven't tested it.

Here's the macro file.

If anyone's interested, I can write more detailed instructions.

Community Novice

I think allowing for this in the gradebook setting would be helpful as well.  I would also like to create my own comments and then save them for future use (like you can in the rubrics, but for comments as well). 

Community Novice

Lisa Martino's would cover your use case, the one from this thread, and another that I have proposed.

Community Team
Community Team

The Radar idea stage has been removed from the Feature Idea Process.  You can read more about why in the blog post Adaptation: Feature Idea Process Changes.


This change will only impact the stage sort of this idea and will not change how it is voted on or how it is considered during prioritization activities.  This change will streamline the list of ideas 'open for voting', making it easier for you to see the true top voted ideas in one sort, here.

Community Explorer

I only saw this now, and your comment indicates that it is not open for voting anymore.  I just upvoted it, but does my vote not count, since we now are outside the range march 2, 2016 - June 2016?  

Community Explorer

Something like this might help with the email signature issues discussed elsewhere and not dealt with yet.  See 

Community Explorer

I see that there are 9 downvotes.  Can anyone explain to me why someone would vote this down?  Basically, I'm asking that you convince me that I should change my upvote to a downvote.  

Community Novice
Status changed to: Open
Community Member

I would love to have some "comments to choose from" when using speedgrader, for example, "Great detail," or "Thank you for putting thought into this assignment," or "It seems like the assignment was unclear; come see me so I can help you understand better," or "You are a rockstar," or "Your hard work is noticed; thank you."

It would be cool if we could create our own comments, kind of like when we click sections on a rubric. I suppose I could put an additional row on a rubric with some of these comments.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Complete