[Direct Share] Copying Assignments to Multiple Classes

There needs to be a way to copy assignments to multiple courses instead of one at a time. It is time-consuming for teachers. Going to Commons is time-consuming as well. We should be able to create an assignment in a course and then move to all the others. 

Comments from Instructure

This is a companion idea to Select Multiple Classes to Copy Assignments  . 

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Community Member

Please save me and thousands of other teachers time by allowing us to copy to multiple classes at one time or to copy multiple items (pages etc) at one time instead of having to do each page, one at a time, to one course at a time.


Thank you!

Community Novice

Canvas! Pay attention here. This issues creates more work for the overworked teacher. It is tedious to copy assignments in each class if you are teaching multiple classes of the same subject. There are some great suggestions here in this thread

Community Member

I agree. It is ridiculous that there isn't a check box/ select multiple feature. That should be a given. I teach six classes and the number of clicks it takes to assign one thing is insane. I lose track of which classes I copied to as I go. 

Community Member

There needs to be a way to copy assignments or other content to multiple courses instead of having to do it one at a time.  It is time consuming for teachers, especially when they have 3 or 4 of the same class.  It would be great if when using the "Copy To" feature it would give you a dropdown of your courses and you could check which courses you want to copy to.  

Community Novice

It should be possible to copy an assignment into more than one class at a time - right now you have to click copy to and select, and then repeat the steps for each course you want to use the same assignment in. 

Community Member

Is there any movement on this?

I feel like this has been a request since 2019. For secondary k-12 Teachers this is a MAJOR issue and in my district becomes a major reason why Teachers are not using Canvas (and using GC instead). I know I get a lot of requests (and negative comments) about this...or lack thereof. It would be fantastic to have this roll out for Fall 2022! 

Community Explorer

Yes, and about 10 other things that other LMSs do better than Canvas.

Very frustrating rolling out Canvas to teachers and repeatedly saying, "No, Canvas doesn't do that or it takes several additional clicks and minutes to do that. Yes Canvas is supposed to be better. It does do many things exceedingly well, but I know some of the regular tasks that you do and need most are exceedingly painful"

Community Member

I posted this back in September of 2020. What is the next step to getting this feature added? Is there anyone else I can contact besides the Priority Services team? It has been two years now that teachers and administrators have been asking for this time saving feature. 

Community Coach
Community Coach

I'm just curious if a someone from the development team could reply to this thread on why this isn't a feature. I thought this would a high priority as it is something that teachers are constantly asking about and something GC has already.

As others have previously stated when making the transition from GC to Canvas, this would be an easy 'win' in terms of getting buy in. I hope we get some feedback and clarity on why this isn't something that is on the roadmap. Thanks. 

Community Member

The ability for teachers to "copy to"  multiple courses at once is a big need for our teachers as well. We do not cross-list courses for a number of reasons including the use of integrations (like Class Notebook), FERPA, differentiation, etc. We tried blueprints originally, but we ran into several technical issues since K12 teachers are updating their courses throughout the year. Sharing resources to the Commons is great, but due dates do not carry over during the import process (which would result in teachers having to go into each course to edit the due date). Teachers currently have to "copy to" content 4+ times depending on the number of courses they teach. Several teachers have shared with me that they write down which courses they've "copied to" so that they don't forget if they get interrupted during the process. Please, please, please consider working on this feature request! Our teachers might literally jump for joy if this feature were to become available.