[Discussions] Interact with students in their section only within ONE discussion

When I add people to my course, I see a setting that allows them to interact with students in their section only. I don't know what checking this box would mean since it appears that they would still be able to see the responses of students from other sections within the same discussion.

I found this response: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Question-Forum/Setting-A-discussion-so-Students-only-see-their-ow...

But the idea, I'd like to suggest is that they make it easier. Yes, you can duplicate a discussion and assign it to a different section only, but ain't nobody got time for that! Please make this a setting within the discussion. I think the person in the forum was a college professor and so his bit about not wanting students to feel overwhelmed by the volume of responses wouldn't apply as much to a high school teacher, but it could. The reason I want to make them stick to one section is so that they get to know each other.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
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When an instructor wants to assign one discussion to only one section, they can do so directly within the settings for that discussion by following the instructions in How do I assign a graded discussion to a course section?

Here's a video from a K12 teacher that demonstrates the process: 

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After testing it, does it accomplish what you've described?


Community Member

Yes. I was frustrated watching the first part because that's the exact problem I'm talking about, but then at 02:30, he goes into the better method. I will try it. It's not as easy as clicking one button in the settings so I'd still like to propose adding that feature, but it's still better than creating multiple discussion assignments. Maybe once the groups are set up once it will be even easier after that.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni


Thanks for taking the time to investigate this, and it's good to know that the workaround Chris offered in the video will tide you over. We've moved your idea forward for conversation.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
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