Duplicate, Clone, or Copy anything in Canvas

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
An option to "make a copy" should be present on nearly every gear in Canvas -- modules, quizzes, assignments, announcements, pages, discussions, rubrics...


Consistency is an important element of good course design, and this would help instructors and designers achieve it more easily.


Ideas related to this have been developed and depoyed


This idea was completed through the Khaki 2017: Priorities & Related Ideas

Here are the content items that were completed as part of Khaki

- Module Item Duplication: Canvas Production Release Notes (2017-11-18) 

- Module Duplication: Canvas Production Release Notes (2018-06-23) 

- Assignment Duplication: Canvas Production Release Notes (2017-07-15) 

- Discussion Duplication: Canvas Production Release Notes (2017-10-28) 

- Page Duplication: Canvas Production Release Notes (2017-07-15) 

You can read more about Khaki in What in the world does “Khaki” have to do with Canvas?

*We know that the ability to copy a rubric from the rubric manager does not currently exist, but we have elected to mark this idea as complete anyways.  If copying a rubric is something that you think should be developed, please add your comment and vote to https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/5167" modifiedtitle="true" title="Copy a rubric.

Community Participant

This is a fundamental and essential feature.  I was rather stunned that it did not exist when I first began using Canvas, and I find myself either duplicating work or doing complicated workarounds that I need to reteach myself every time I want to do something so basic as simply duplicate a quiz in a second course that already exists in the first. 

Community Novice

me too! i have a hard time getting all this stuff from the "inspect element"

Community Novice

hey  @scottdennis ​, didn't the form say it had to reach 500 votes to go to "in development" stage?Untitled.png


Hey Austin,

No, the only number that has significance is 100.  You can read more if you like in How does the voting process work for feature ideas?


Community Novice


Community Member

I desperately need this feature. The Canvas response at the top of the page says that folks are looking into it and will be posting follow up questions. How do we re-open this for voting?

Community Team
Community Team

Hi Jessica

Thank you for joining this conversation in our Community!

This idea will not reopen for voting.  The questions/discussions that the product team is participating in are in the links above that statement.  This idea, while fabulous, was too broad for us to address in one thread.

Please take a look at the links in the official response, as well as links people have provided in this discussion.

If you have any questions about the feature process, we have a couple great guides: How does the voting process work for feature ideas?​ & How do I create a new feature idea?​  If you have further questions, please let us know!

Community Member

Thank you. I see the four feature idea links in the official response, but none of them deal with duplicating assignments or rubrics, which seems as though it was a pretty specific request to me. What I need - what every teacher in my county has asked for - and what I think the original poster was trying to say, was simply a "duplicate" button. After I create an assignment, I want to just click Duplicate, and have a second, identical assignment appear. I don't want to share an assignment with myself in Commons - that is a lengthy, unnecessary process full of required box entries that are irrelevant if I'm not sharing my work publicly. Then having to import the assignment back into the same course, then move it to another category because it originally shows up in the Imported Assignments category... this is a mess. There is an option to Move, Rename, and Edit assignments... there needs to be a Duplicate. Simple.

Community Team
Community Team

I think you'll find the conversation you are seeking in Copy Anything in Canvas (Redux)

In this discussion, the original author of this idea has collected all areas where people are asking for the ability to copy/clone content.

Community Coach
Community Coach

I don't particularly agree that "Commons addresses this".   We came to Canvas from Moodle.   As much as my faculty were done with Moodle, they absolutely LOVED the "Duplicate" feature and how easy it was to use right from within Modules.   Literally, any item could be duplicated by a click of the mouse from a simple drop-down next to the item.   Sharing to Commons or copying data from Course Settings just takes too much time.  It's great for sharing a variety of things to other courses and faculty, but trying to duplicate resources/assignments/RUBRICS within the same course needs to be simple and fast.