[Enrollments] Automatically turn off self-enrollment link

Problem statement:

It would be helpful if there was a way the self-enrollment link could be automatically turned off on a specific date/time within a Canvas course, instead of having to manually disable it. This would help when there are specific enrollment deadlines, especially with a large number of courses and NOT having to manually go in and disable each one!

Proposed solution:

Add an option in the course settings when the "Let students self-enroll by sharing with them a secret URL or code" option is checked to have that automatically disabled on a certain date and time.

User role(s):


Added to Theme

1 Comment
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: Added to Theme

Thanks for your submission! Based on what's being asked here, I've identified a theme that I think this would fit well with. It's called Expand support for student-driven learning in Canvas . I've associated this idea to the theme.