Excuse Assignment in Gradebook

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas Learn more about voting... |
Idea will be open for vote May 5th, 2015 - August 5th, 2015 Learn more about voting... |
As an instructor, I want to excuse an assignment for a student or students. When "excused," the assignment would have no impact on the student(s)' grade. Common use cases include excluding assignments for students who start late in the year or have a prolonged absence. Other uses would be making one assignment count for one subset of students while another subset have a different assignment that counts towards their grades. Other examples would be capstone projects, optional assignments, or extra credit. Excusing a student from completing an assignment should also remove the to-do list item for that student.
transferred from the old Community
Originally posted by: Jeffrey Rolan
Special thanks for great contributions by: Rob Ditto, Alaine Davis, Kevin Reeve, Mike Kisow, Neal Shebeck, and Chris Long
Response from Instructure |
Canvas Production Release Notes (2015-06-27)
Canvas Studio: Excuse an assignment (Phase 1)