Exporting quizzes into Word or pdf documents
Submitted by
09:56 AM
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas |
Some of our departments need to have copies of assessments on file OUTSIDE of Canvas. I believe this request was first raised in early 2015. A Canvas person said the ability was about six months away. It is almost a year later and we have heard NO updates.
This is a BASIC feature that all LMSs should have. Canvas is so proactive in many ways and, overall, is the best LMS we have ever used, but this is getting ridiculous. It seems to be such an easy feature to implement too. PLEASE work on getting this feature ASAP; our schools NEED it.
Community Team Note: A virtually identical idea was already open: https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/1055-printable-pdf-exportable-quizzes Contrary to our customary practice, we are allowing both ideas to continue to move forward. Votes and feedback from both ideas will be evaluated.