[Files] Default Alt-Text on Uploaded Images
Upon image upload, the alt-text associated with that image is entered. If the image is uploaded in My Files, and alt-text is associated with the image, that alt-text would be the default alt-text anywhere the image is used throughout their Canvas account. In other words, for images that I use across courses, I should, again, only have to type the alt-text once. Specific use of an image should allow for modification of the alt-text for each use, but I should not have to re-type the correct alt-text over and over again as I reuse an image, especially one that was uploaded into the My Files area. Then, if you want to change the default alt-text for an image, you should be able to do that in the Files -> images area.
Why: I use several images repeatedly in my modules. Each time I use an image, I need to replace the default alt-text of the file name with a meaningful name. Over and over, I am re-typing the same alt-text for a given image. For one course, this was four images used 14 times: 56 edits to the default alt-text to make this course accessible.
As course accessibility becomes an accreditation issue, is there any reason why we would want to be force course developers to correct the alt-text for a re-used image over, and over, and over again?
Added to Theme
Fine-tune accessibility in Canvas and Canvas Studio Theme Status: Identified