[Gradebook] Add process to easily delete a test student

Problem statement:

Most of my classes are comprised of cross-listed sections. Sometimes I create a "test student" to test something, but rarely do I want the test student to hang around in my grade book. Trouble is, when a class has multiple sections, it's tedious to have to search for a test student in each section to make them disappear from the gradebook. There should be a way to easily delete a test student from the gradebook without having to search through the people list in each of the sections. There should be a "one and done" button somewhere.

Proposed solution:

Ideally, I wish I could right-click on a test student in the gradebook and make them disappear from the gradebook. It's distracting to have that extra row at the bottom of the gradebook, but currently it's too much trouble to delete them by searching for them in each individual section of a class.

User role(s):
