[Gradebook] Adjust Points for Re-Dos and Corrections

Problem statement:

Many districts, including the last two in which I've worked, have a corrections policy for students. This policy allows student to correct any failed (<70) assignment for up to a max grade of 70. District policy allows for one attempt, but teachers can of course be more generous. Canvas has different scoring options for multiple attempts, but they do not necessarily align with common policies. Canvas currently allows multiple attempts, the options being average, latest, and highest. If a student makes a 50 and then retakes it and makes a 100, the average gives them a 75. Latest would be a 100, same with highest. This is different than a paper correction of a 70. And if the student does very poorly on the first attempt (<40), a 2nd attempt of 100 averages out to be less than a passing grade of 70. So I'm looking for a "re-do with penalty" option in Canvas. My goal is to allow full credit on first attempt, but ANY attempt after maxes out at 70%.

Proposed solution:

When extra attempts are allowed, there should be a "re-do with penalty" option, allowing the teacher (or district) to set the penalty points. So multiple attempts could result in the student showing mastery (100) and receiving the max score of 70 per guidelines. When all grades in the gradebook are 70 or higher, the student cannot mathematically fail.

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Instructure Alumni
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