[Gradebook] Bring back old format for Messaging Students Who...

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas


As an instructor of a language course with a lot of assignments, the format of having the names of the students show up on the main screen and the title of the assignment as well was much better for me. I noticed that this has changed recently which was a bit frustrating.

I realize I only have to click on the show students names to get the list but that is one extra step.  Not sure why that has been installed. 

Also one student said she did not know which assignment I was talking about and since I do not know what the message looks like at their end, I cannot tell if the message has the assignment title in it automatically anymore or if I need to add it now.

Thank you.


  Comments from Instructure

Instructure's Product Team acknowledges that this idea was not completed in its entirety as there are technically two requests within this single thread. This idea is being marked as In Beta to address the automatization of the subject line. There are no plans to change the workflow that includes the checkbox to show the list of students' names.

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Status changed to: Open

hi @dwahlberg -

The changes to this feature are tied to the Canvas Release Notes (2022-06-18). I tested this in one of my accounts, and I can confirm the message looks and feels like an email message. You need to include the name of the assignment. Otherwise, students and/or observers do not have the context.

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Status changed to: On Beta
  Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2022-08-03) 


Instructure's Product Team acknowledges that this idea was not completed in its entirety as there are technically two requests within this single thread. This idea is being marked as In Beta to address the automatization of the subject line. There are no plans to change the workflow that includes the checkbox to show the list of students' names.

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Status changed to: Complete
Comments from Instructure


For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2022-08-03)

Community Member

Yes, I am seeing a new format for "message students who...".  

Before, I was able to create a criteria, like scored less than 5, but from there, I could take some students off the list (maybe due to particular feedback for certain sets of students).  Now, I can see the overall recipient list, but when I click "x" by the student name, it does not leave the list, nor does the count of recipients change at the top, so I am unable to gather who I am actually sending to vs. not.

The older display for this feature was clearer and easier to work with.  I would like for it to be brought back to how it was.


Please advise.  Thanks!

Community Member

Regarding the new gradebook reminder feature:

"Before, I was able to create a criteria, like scored less than 5, but from there, I could take some students off the list (maybe due to particular feedback for certain sets of students). Now, I can see the overall recipient list, but when I click "x" by the student name, it does not leave the list, nor does the count of recipients change at the top, so I am unable to gather who I am actually sending to vs. not."


I agree with @marsha_hoyt  from 9/16/22, it is not clear when we click on the "x" next to the student name on the 'send message to' list if they are in fact removed from the list or will receive the reminder message.

Do we have clarity on this or an update?


Thank you,


Community Participant

And, before it told me each student's score on the list of students.  I send a message to students who missed an assignment and another to students who scored below a C. When I ask Canvas to send a message to those who scored below a C, it also gives me students with zero. I then have to open the gradebook in another screen to see who scored a zero and then x them out. Before it showed me each person's score, that is very helpful. Please bring that back. 

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Status changed to: Completed