[Gradebook] Default Comment

When I use the grade book I like to enter zeros for work not submitted by using the "set default grade" feature. It would be very beneficial if there were also a "Set Default Comment" feature that operated in the same way. Currently I have to go back into speed grader to leave a comment. That defeats the purpose of the "Set Default Grade" feature for me. I would just enter the grade and comment at the same time in Speed Grader.

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Improve Gradebook settings options Theme Status: Identified

Community Member

Can anyone from Canvas give me an update on this idea? This could function just like the default grade feature. Teachers who use Canvas every day understand the benefit of a default comment. Especially for zeros. 

Community Participant

My team of 14 instructors has to type “graded for completion, not accuracy” on 1,600+ student assignments. My user case is a prime example of how a default comment could be used. (And if I could dream, I’d ask for a user-defined default comment...but really, even a pre-defined word bank from Canvas would be an improvement over copy-paste 1,600 times.)

Community Member

Great point, I am sure many others fall into the same category. Hopefully, we see some movement on this feature. I haven't heard an argument against it yet. 

Community Member

Still not giving up! The default comment feature in the grade book would be something that could benefit all teachers.

Community Novice

Agreed.. it takes at least several mins. of time to add "missed deadline" and that time builds up over the course of a year to hours of wasted time, relatively speaking 

Community Novice

I have seen this idea posted in 2016, but due to the "voting" process it was not uptaken. If these are only going to be accepted via the "voting" process (that no one knows is going on), then links to the voting forums need to be included in the ETS monthly newsletter which users receive. There needs to be a "default comment" option, just like there is a "default grade" option. For example, if I default a zero, then I would also at the same time like to be able to create a comment as well. Yes, I can message students who don't turn things in using the "message students who..." option BUT these are not attached to their grades in the grade book NOR do these messages also get sent to parents. Comments on the actual grade are more effective - all parties see them and it does not require the student to hunt down the assignment in the actual module. It is all together. 

Community Member

I am a teacher.  When responding to a student, it would be a helpful feature to have a "Reply all" option when leaving a comment on an assignment so that you can leave the same comment on all students' work.  For example, I can leave the answer to the warm-up on everyone's submission.

Community Novice

It would be useful if under settings there was also an automatic comment. For example, when Canvas auto- fills in 0s, it could also state "not handed in." Even better, allow the instructor to input a comment regarding late assignments. 

Community Explorer

Thank you for the suggestion! I too would really like a default comment button so can I add the same comment to all students at once instead of doing it individually.

Community Member

I agree!  I would like to explain the grades that I enter as default:  "class participation", "zero until submitted", etc.  Currently, it is tedious to enter all of the comments for each student.