[Gradebook] Message Students Who... for Grade Totals

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

I'd like to be able to use the 'message students who' function in the gradebook for more than a single assignment.  It would be useful to be able to go to the column in the gradebook for an assignment group and use the 'message students who'.  Same applies for the total grade column so teachers could after the first two weeks send out a message to all students that are under performing early enough for them to change there behavior.
We have three very similar ideas, all of which are open for voting, associated with the Message Students Who... feature, and we're grouping them here to keep Canvas Studio tidy. These are the other two:
Community Participant

At various times during a course, it's useful to be able to message all students whose grades are below X, as a nudge – and it'd be rewarding to message all students above Y. Unfortunately whereas this is possible for individual assignments from the Gradebook,


it's not possible from the course grade Totals column — but it should be…

Screen Shot 2021-05-24 at 9.26.03 AM.png

Community Novice

I love the grade book feature that allows us to message a whole group of students with a missing assignment or below a certain average. This should be a feature also added to their total average. I would love to be able to send a quick message to all students with an average below X%. 

Community Member

It would be wonderful to be able to email students if their total grade fell below a certain threshold via the ellipses at the top of the column. We have the ability to do this on individual assignments but not in the totals column. Especially near a progress report time period. It would definitely save time. 

Community Novice

I should be able to go to students’ total grades (not individual assignment grades) and see an option to message students with “total grade below X” or “total grade above y” so that I can send an individual failure warning to poor performing students and encouragement to those who are performing well. 

I waste time sending individual messages to students. This should be as easy as it is to notify all students who failed or who didn’t turn in a particular assignment. I would think this would be an easy feature to add since it’s already available for individual assignments.

Community Champion

Not sure why this has not been updated but Canvas has implemented a feature that addresses this.  If you click on "New Analytics" on the course homepage the first page is the course grade.  If you click the little envelope icon where you can type in names, it will bring up a window that allows you to message students from a determined score range.





Community Member

My school does not allow students to view their current average in the course. I'd like a way to automatically generate messages to each student that say something like "Your current average in this course is xx%" so that I can update them at good times throughout the semester without having to write each message myself.

Community Member

It would be really efficient to be able to Message Students Who... from the gradebook column by an assignment group or grade category! It would be more efficient than by a single assignment!!

Messaging those having a low total grade allows for intervention before mid-terms/withdrawal date or end of the term. This would be a big time-saver!!

Not doing the groupwork....everyone misses a day or two or forgets to turn it in, but over time it can be a problem. It would allow for weekly/biweekly/periodic messaging rather than daily messaging for daily work. 

Maybe missing one day of class isn't a problem, but I would like to know if they missed a week or two of attendance. 

Getting a one week of homework late/incomplete isn't a problem, but I would like to reach out to students that are having trouble balancing their homework/coursework. 

Having one grade category that is particularly low, whether it be quizzes, exams, homework, groupwork, total/final grade, etc allows periodic messaging by category and that would be wonderful!!!! 

Community Member

This seems like such an obvious feature and something that is already a part of the formating / user interface that I'd love to see this added. Lots of value added to be able to email students who have overall grades below certain levels and seemingly no cost of making the site seem more cluttered or harder to navigate.

Community Member

I would like to be able to message students who have 0 points in the Total Column as an intervention tool for early in the semester.  

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