[Gradebook] Move "Arrange By" menu to main Gradebook view

Idea is currently in development

Problem statement:  The introduction of Enhanced Gradebook Filters made the "Arrange By" (sorting) and show/hide options much more difficult to access.
In the Gradebook Settings:
The first three tabs are typically accessed INFREQUENTY (Late Policies, Grade Posting Policy, Advanced).
The fourth tab of View Options includes "Arrange By", which is utilized much more FREQUENTLY. 
Sorting is similar to other viewing options on the Gradebook (People and Assignment Search, and Filters).
Additionally, the Settings panel defaults to Late Policies, requiring two clicks to reach View Options, and three more to use Arrange By for a total of FIVE CLICKS to sort gradebook columns.
Sorting the Gradebook by various criteria is a quick way to adjust the Gradebook view based on the need at the moment, and easy access makes any of the Filters even more powerful. For example, using a Sections filter helps isolate the list of students, but secondary sorting options are not easily accessible.
Proposed solution:
Move the "Arrange By" menu to the main Gradebook page for easy access and proximity to other viewing options.
Also, "Status Color" moves to the Advanced tab.
User role(s): instructor
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
Status changed to: In Development
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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Open