[Gradebook] Remove ungraded/ formative assignments and quizzes from grade book and student grades page

There should be an option to remove assignments that won't count toward a student's grade from the gradebook and the student's grade page.

My gradebook is cluttered by formative assignments that won't count toward students' grades. This makes it difficult to recognize missing assignments from graded work. I work around this by creating a category called "ungraded work" and filtering it out, but that prevents me from viewing all of the other categories (tests, quizzes, hw, etc) in the gradebook at once.

More importantly, it is difficult for students to identify which assignments are missing as their "grades" page is cluttered by ungraded assignments. 

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I have the same issue! Either students are confused about the "missing" assignment, or I change the assignment to accept a "fake" submission, which only adds unnecessary screen time for students. I would love to see this feature added!

Community Explorer

I also have the same issue; I have also had to have a work-around but it is awkward and frustrating sometimes.  I have had to make assignments really thin in the gradebook because it gets so ponderous.

Community Explorer

Without practice or ungraded quizzes, displaying all quizzes and assignments (even with the "Do not count towards the final grade" option) clutters the Calendar, Syllabus and Grades page/Gradebook, making these sections hard to use effectively and causing unnecessary stress and confusion for students.

In an ideal world, teachers should have the option to (1) mark quizzes as ungraded like other assignments and then (2) filter out graded and ungraded quizzes and assignments as desired from the different views. A simpler feature that would still go a long way to make things easier for everybody would be to have a marker of some kind (different symbol, colour, annotation) to distinguish "do not count" quizzes and assignments. The Grades page already does this for students - although it still does not resolve the clutter issue, it would be good to at least have something similar for the Syllabus and Calendar. 


Community Member

I have the same problem as the comments already posted.  Any updates from Canvas??

Community Participant

Any updates. Our Administration is asking for practice assessments to be added to our courses. Adding these to my course is confusing students when they look at their gradebook as they automatically think that something that appears there is part of their course grade (even when it states "does not count to course grade"). I need to be able to hide all assignments in my "additional practice" category from the student's gradebook view. 

Only assignments that count towards a students final course grade should be in the student gradebook view.

Community Explorer

I wish this was already implemented! 

It is essentially the same idea I submitted a year prior here:

Hide non-graded assignments from the Grades page - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com)

The issue would also be lessened if we had practice quizzes again and not all quizzes were treated as assignments:

New Quizzes: Practice quizzes - Instructure Community (canvaslms.com)


Community Participant

Practice Quizzes would not entirely solve my problem as I have third party software that sends grades to the gradebook as assignment grades. I need the ability to make an entire category ungraded and not show in the student gradebook or if a category is weighted 0% I need it not to show in the student gradebook. 

I would be painful (because of the number of assignments), but I would accept a temporary solution of if I mark an assignment as "not included in student grade" then it would not appear in student grade book. 

The reality is if a student sees 60+ assignments (even if half are additional practice and not graded) the student panics. For student mental health, only assignments that count towards their grade should be shown in their gradebook. 

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