[Gradebook Settings] Separate Late policies for individual assignments

in the new gradebook it would be great if there were separate policies for each assignment or even for each assignment group.  We have different policies for our participation than for typical assignments for example.  Having one policy for the whole course means this feature is not usable for us.

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Provide more flexible grading options Theme Status: Identified

Community Member

This is my post, so I think its great and you should add your support.

Community Explorer

This would be so helpful. I currently lock some assignments so that students cannot take them late so that I don't have to deal with varying late penalties across my multiple courses and 1000+ students. This feature would be game changing!

Community Member

I love having "Automatically apply grade for missing submissions" turned on to give students a zero if they miss the due date. 

However, it would be great if this feature could be turned off in individual assignments (like how you can set a full class grade posting policy, but then still adjust it for individual assignments where you don't want grades posted right away). 

When I offer optional extra credit assignments that have a due date, a lot of students end up with a zero in the grade book, which just isn't a good look. It is a lot of work to manually remove the zero from each student.

Community Member

It would be helpful especially for assignments that have a different success percentage assigned to them (higher percentage for threshold of passing). 

Community Member

Late Policy should be by Assignment Group.  This feature would be very helpful.  

I am unable to use the Late Policy feature in its current "global" form.

Community Member

Currently if a teacher applies a Late Policy to their course, it is all or nothing.  Sometimes, we offer optional assignments that are Canvas Quizzes/Surveys or File Upload Assignments.  These optional assignments get flagged as "Missing" the next day and so each teacher needs to go in and remove the flag and zero for those that did not complete the optional assignment.

It would be nice if we could fine tune our late policy when creating assignments.  Allow us to individually select which assignment we want the late policy to apply to and which ones we don't.

It would also be nice if we could further fine tune how deductions are applied to late work.  For example, I would love it if I could allow for full points up to one week late, but then after one week start applying either a daily deduction or a one time deduction.

Community Novice

***Instructure asked me to re-post my suggestion here.


Regarding late penalties for assignments, I want to be gracious to my student for the first couple weeks while they get settled in, then start applying the late penalty policy for future assignments.  

Currently your system doesn't allow this.  I'm forced to apply the late penalty policy to the entire gradebook, including previously submitted assignments.

I'd like to be able to either

A) Set specific late penalties for each assignment


B) Apply the late penalty policy to start on a specific date and moving forward

Community Explorer

Date of first posted comment asking for this feature to be assignment-specific: 12-27-2017

‎Date of most recent posted comment asking for this feature to be assignment-specific: 01-27-2022

Time expired between these posts: 1,492 days or 4 years, 1 month. 

Four years this feature has been sitting there essentially worthless because Instructure does not actually listen to any of the people that use their growing-ever-marginal products. 

Community Explorer

I absolutely agree with all of these comments. It's astoundingly obviously that Instructure has not consulted actual classroom teachers who know anything about pedagogy, when designing Canvas, nor do they have any interest in recognizing where they are failing. Late penalties HAVE to be able to be applied on a per-assignment and per-category basis. Sure, have an option to apply a penalty globally, for the few teachers who actually would do such a thing on a blanket basis, but please make the feature usable for the rest of us.

Community Novice

Currently, the Late Submission policy will only be applied to No Submission or On Paper assignments but in most cases, it's a file upload, text entry or LTI submission type.

We do not want to go in to every late student to toggle the status from late to something else. That’s tedious.