[Gradebook Settings] Weighted Grading Periods Totals
Currently, when weighting grading periods, we are only able to use the All Grading Periods label to view our weighted grading periods totals. Since our SIS, PowerSchool, creates S1 & S2 grading periods totals, it would be great if we had that ability in Canvas.
In addition to All Grading Periods, we should be able to define additional total grading period labels and define which grading periods are used to calculate the total. We cannot currently set up grading periods that overlap, this would resolve that issue.
For instance: Looking at the image below, being and to add S1 = Q1, Q2, E1 & S2 = Q3, Q4, E2 and then having S1 and S2 as additional options Grading Periods dropdown.
Those experiencing the same issues please up vote this idea.
Added to Theme
Provide more flexible grading options Theme Status: Identified