[Gradebook] Ungraded submissions in Gradebook Export contain a letter like "u."

Currently when I export grades from the canvas gradebook, ungraded submissions show up with no score or marking at all in the csv file.  I would like to see some kind of indication in the csv that a student had submitted something although it had yet to be graded.  In the canvas gradebook you see a doc image.  If the csv export contained words like "ungraded" for received submissions that yet to have a score given.

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Instructure Alumni
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This could be confusing, as there could be a grade "U" or "u" in a grading standard. The problem is that the CSV is just giving you some of the data (specifically the value of "grade") about a submission. If you look at the API (https://canvas.instructure.com/doc/api/submissions.html ), you will see that there is another attribute ("grader_id") that indicates whether the submission has been grade or not (it is a NULL if not yet graded, otherwise it contains the user_id of the person who graded the submission and the attribute "graded_at" contains the time of when the grade was set.


Community Contributor

I would like the csv export to indicate whether or not a submission has been made when a grade has not been given.  Then using spreadsheet logic I can assign students points based on if they turned something in.

Community Member

I'd find it very helpful if there was something in a Gradebook export file to differentiate between actual blanks (non-submission) and unmarked submissions.  

I would use this to monitor submissions and allocate assignments for marking (specifically for large cohorts), or assign points for submission (as above).

I'm an admin with oversight of several subjects.


Community Champion

I think that you would be better off writing a small script to get the information that you want (which is in the information available in Canvas), but cannot simply be presented as a particular letter in a grade column - as this letter (or string) could be used in a grading scale.

If what you really want is a list of ungraded submissions, see the program list_ungraded_submissions_in_your_courses_JSON.py at https://github.com/gqmaguirejr/Canvas-tools 

Using python panda this could be extended to output a spreadsheet of the ungraded submissions.

Community Novice

@maguire Instructors do not necessarily have access to the Canvas API, nor should they be expected to write scripts to process Canvas output. And besides, the solutions you've suggested require a healthy amount of technical expertise, which should not be a prerequisite for full Canvas utility. No disrespect to humanities faculty anywhere, but to use them as an example: do you really think your standard English teacher is going to know how to make an API request, or write a Python script to process JSON?

Community Champion


Have you tried to get an access token as described at: https://canvas.kth.se/courses/11/pages/getting-an-access-token?module_item_id=137 ?

I am certainly not suggesting that all faculty have to be able to write python scripts to access the Canvas API. However, I would hope that there are resources in each institution that can help teachers accomplish what they need to do, either in-house or by hiring others to help them.

I have only tried to help others by providing some of the scripts that I have written. Whether they use them by themselves or have others help them - is not my concern - I'm not providing a consulting service but rather simply trying to share with the community based on what I have done myself - in many cases, having benefitted from the wisdom of others in the community.

One of the things that I have appreciated about Canvas is that (1) it is an open-source platform (so you can go to the code to see how things are done) and (2) there have been many helpful people in the community. The result Is that I have been able to do things in Canvas that were extremely difficult to do with a closed-source LMS.

I think that it is important to emphasize the 2nd part of the above paragraph - lots of people in the community have been helpful. Moreover, many of the closed-source platforms have not provided APIs to enable people to automate anything.



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