[Groups] Ability to set a default view for a courses Group page

Problem statement:

The course that opens for students when doing a group assignment can be confusing. Just as when a new instructor first sees a new Canvas course with all the links they need to be shown how they all work. Having a design an instructor would like to use for their group assignments it would help with a less confusing view for students, The second most important part is all groups open in a new tab as well.

Proposed solution:

An instructor is able to create one if not multiple views and the instructor would like students to see when being moved to a group work environment. They could set the navigation view they want the students to use and they could even set the home page that opens that might give instructions for the team and how to use the group area. I envision something such as a means for selecting the group course within the group creation area and instructors having the ability to create not just one, but multiple master group courses that they can select from.

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