[Groups] Copy Group Settings

Group settings should be included when doing a course copy or Import.


I have a course which relies heavily on an intricate set of groups tied to assignments (it's a negotiations course) so I need to be able to copy the course over from term to term in complete form. Currently whenever I copy the course, the groups are all lost, as well as the tying of groups to the appropriate assignments. Re-creating the groups and then re-tying them to assignments takes an incredible amount of time.



Comments from Instructure


The Canvas Production Release Notes (2015-06-27) indicate that importing a course with group assignments now brings the group assignment settings to the new course; however, upon testing the group structures within a group set do not come with it.  For this reason we will keep this feature idea open for voting.  We will continue testing and update this post as soon as we have more information.


Course Settings and Grading Schemes

Importing Course Settings from a Canvas course export package also imports the grading scheme.


Explanation: When a user imported selective course content from a Canvas export package, the grading scheme was not included in the import. Importing the entire course was not affected. This behavior occurred because Canvas was not verifying grading standard copies if it was part of selected content. Canvas code has been updated to import the course grading scheme when part of selected course content.

Community Explorer

 @gal_n01 ‌ What do you think about this? 

Community Novice

Hi Molly,

I'm definitely voting for this, especially after I spent quite some time

creating groups for two courses.

Good find,


Community Contributor

I will add my agreement. I thought perhaps the behavior would be different with Blueprint courses, but it is still the same. Rather than copying the Group Set from the Master, Canvas created a random group set called "Project Groups" which was undefined. Very disappointing to have to manually correct all of the children of our blueprint course.

Community Contributor

Whatever is IN a group too must be copied over whether blueprint or otherwise - i have to manually copy over instructions etc to each group in each group set 

ideally i would also like ot be able to create a group with some content provided by me and then be able to copy that over to x nos of groups in a set as well as copy over to group set on other modules

Community Novice

This is no longer functioning properly.

Community Novice



Community Explorer

Please implement this. We have multiple sections of course that have to use the same basic group set configrations with assignments linked to particular group sets. Having to recreate this by hand for 10+ sections EVERY time is absolutely asinine. I can't believe that Canvas cannot do what every other LMS is capable of. This should not be difficult to code.

Community Team
Community Team

The Radar idea stage has been removed from the Feature Idea Process.  You can read more about why in the blog post Adaptation: Feature Idea Process Changes.


This change will only impact the stage sort of this idea and will not change how it is voted on or how it is considered during prioritization activities.  This change will streamline the list of ideas 'open for voting', making it easier for you to see the true top voted ideas in one sort, here.

Community Member

Please, please, PLEASE let this be voted upon enough times to become a part of “the 10%”/top of weekly voting periods ASAP! We’ve been requesting this “enhancement” for YEARS when it should have been built in from the LAUNCH of the platform itself! 

Community Novice

I posted on this thread in 2016 asking for this feature.  I have wasted so many hours of my life in the past two years because groups cannot be copied.  I REALLY hope that it receives the necessary support now.