Hide Profile picture in SpeedGrader when 'Hide Student Names' is enabled.

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

When an instructor is using SpeedGrader to grade discussions, the student's profile picture is visible in the submission entry field. When the instructor enables 'Hide Student Names' in SpeedGrader, the student name is hidden and the profile picture in the top-right corner in the student selector dropdown is removed.

However, the student's profile picture is still visible in the submission entry field next to each of their discussion post entries. This seems to be an oversight for the 'Hide Student Names' functionality and possibly for the 'anonymous grading' functionality as well.

Please remove student profile pictures from the submission entry space when grading discussions in SpeedGrader when 'Hide Student Names' or 'Anonymous Grading' is applied.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni
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Community Novice

YES PLEASE!  It totally defeats the point of blind grading if I can see student pictures.

Community Champion

It would be great if we could call a spade a spade and a bug a bug.  How this could be considered anything other than a bug I do not understand.  In addition to "Idea Conversations" (AKA feature requests) there should be a section called Bug Reports.  I had no idea this bug existed until I got notification of this posting (and at first was skeptical, until I tried it out).  If there were a section called Bug Reports, I would follow it closely.


When an instructor is expecting to grade anonymously, we should reflect that preference across the board to ensure that is truly possible. Having the profile image still visible in the discussion post clearly goes against what is expected here. We've created a ticket for our engineering team and will add this to an upcoming sprint. We will notify when the fix is in place through our deploy notes process. 

Community Contributor

@jsailor - Your post is so welcome! I was very frustrated when I was told this wasn't a bug and I had to submit a feature request. Thank you for recognizing this as a bug. We look forward to when the fix can be implemented. Thank you! 


@Tasha_Biesinger, this issue has been fixed. In testing in several accounts, we are no longer seeing this issue. Could you please check that you are also seeing this working as expected and let me know if you are still seeing any issue? 

Community Contributor

@jsailor Thanks for the update!

I enabled "Hide Student Names" on an old discussion and it did not remove the profile pictures.

I created a new discussion, enabled "Hide Student Names", submitted posts as students, and did not see the profile pictures in SpeedGrader. I then toggled "Hide Student Names" off and the profile pictures did not come back.

Based on these two (tiny) tests, I'm wondering if the profile picture display is determined on what the status of "Hide Student Names" is the *first* time you view that student in SpeedGrader. More testing would be required to really hammer out the behavior and the (lack of?) toggle-ability of the profile pictures through the "Hide Student Names" feature. 

This is a great first step and gives our faculty a path forward with this. While I hope this doesn't stop here, thank you for getting us to this workable point!

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