[Inbox] Auto-reply for Canvas messages

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

Please add a "out of office" feature to the Canvas messages so that students who use the Canvas Inbox to send messages during winter or summer breaks will know that faculty are off campus and unable to reply. 

Community Member

I agree with all these comments - we are failing both students and staff by not having this.  How do we vote for it?


Community Member

Yes, please! An OOTO auto-reply would be so helpful. 


Community Member

Is there a way to vote for this?

Community Member

This would be a great feature

Community Explorer

This would be fantastic for courses that stay open all summer, when teachers may only be checking their messages periodically. 

Community Explorer

Yes, please. This is something we have desperately needed all year. The expectation that teachers are available 24/7 is supported by not being able to set up an away message.

Community Novice

Yes, please add an "out of office" automatic reply to Canvas. It's frustrating to have students email me from Canvas during a break and it forwards to my email address but they don't receive the automatic reply so students think I'm ignoring them.

Community Member

I'm trying to figure out a way to have a sort of out of office auto reply within Canvas for students who send me messages after a course ends.

Thank you.

Community Member

I'm trying to figure out a way to have a sort of out of office auto reply within Canvas for students who send me messages after a course ends.

Thank you.

Community Member

Having the ability to post an out of office message is very important for instructors and for students. Students deserve to know their message has been received, even if the instructor is not immediately available to respond directly to them.