[Inbox] Signature Block

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

It would be nice to have the option to add a signature block that can automatically be added to "Inbox" messages as well as discussion posts.

Community Member

I see this issue going back at least 4 years.  Is this still not possible?  This is such a basic thing.  😞

Community Explorer

I am using Inbox to send messages to students.  I like that I can send to entire groups, as grouped under the People section.

But what I hate is that I have to copy and paste my signure from Outlook into my messages every single time I send one!

We need a way to save a signature in Inbox that can be  to outgoing messages.

Community Member

The signature block is required at our district.  It would be so efficient for Canvas to have this function

Community Member

Please the signature option to Canvas Inbox.

Instructors need to look professional in their communication with their students. A signature block is needed to do that. 

Community Novice

The addition of the signature block option/function in Canvas ( for use in the Canvas inbox and with discussion posts) is needed. It is a basic feature that would enhance all communications.

Community Member

Yes, that would be very useful.

Community Novice

It would be great to have the option to add a signature block that can automatically be added to "Inbox" messages as well as discussion posts. I've seen a few instructors now require proper/specific signature blocks when sending messages so it would be nice to have it built it like standard email applications.

Community Member

So this is my (now) annual tradition of saying - "hey, wouldn't a signature block on our emails in Canvas be nice."  Again, I don't see why this is so difficult that it couldn't be figured out after YEARS.  OK - I know it is because Canvas doesn't care but still - it would be a selling point for a lot of instructors!!!!


Community Participant

I have a signature block saved in a Google Keep note.  It ends with "[signature block cut-n-pasted here because Canvas lacks this basic feature 😞 ]".

A way around the problem is to use regular e-mail, with all students in the bcc field.  This is tricky because you must be certain that all students are included, and the population of a class changes.  But I use it often.

Community Explorer

Here, here!  I totally agree with you.  Inbox does no formatting.  Even this comment window does formatting.  So, OK, we live without complex formatting, but I really want a signature block.  Nothing fancy, no images, no gifs.  Just text I don't have to copy and paste from Outlook (which is the college's email server, so my signature block is already there).