Make "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses" Setting Do What It Says (or Say What It Does)

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
Right now, we have the option to "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses," but that's not exactly what the setting does. I would like either for this setting to do what it says or for the label to be more accurate.

55079_let students see 2.JPGlet students see 2.JPG

This setting doesn't let students see just their responses, it lets them see how their responses have been scored (see comment below). A more accurate label might be "Let Students See Their Graded Quiz Responses."  I was confused by this label originally and only learned the hard way what it does, and I believe others have been in this same situation.


Because this setting currently shows not just the students' responses, but also whether the responses are correct or not, students who see their own quiz results also learn the correct answer in these situations:


  • when the question is true/false
  • when the student has correctly answered a question
  • when the general comments hint at or explain the correct answer


And for multiple choice and matching questions they have at least narrowed down the options. That's too much information to release to a class while the quiz is still available. Therefore, when I create a quiz, I don't check "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses." However, after I have finished grading the quiz, with this setting they can't see any comments on their graded questions, so I then need to return to the quiz settings and allow students to view their responses. Having to return to the settings screen is a huge pain in the neck and sometimes I forget to do it. When I forget to do it, students can't see the comments that I painstakingly enter on their quizzes, and then they (and I) get frustrated. And when the quiz is imported to a new course next semester, I have to remember to go back and change this setting again.


This problem was discussed in the old feature request forum Show Student Responses without Indicating if the Answer is Correct or Not : Help Center . (That idea was marked "done," but as far as I can determine, it is not done. I believe someone from Instructure confused this idea with something else.) Here is the suggestion from that forum, which includes a very good use case:


55080_old feature request.JPGold feature request.JPG



There are several related ideas currently open for voting right now, but none of them are the same.


Quiz Essays: Hold "General Answer Comment" Until Due Date or After Grading This idea would suppress the general comment but not the correct/incorrect flag on automatically graded questions.


Quiz Review: option to allow students to see their quiz responses & correct answers only after the d...  This is a different way to solve my use case and the original use case by Raechel Soicher, but it doesn't solve the problem of the misleading setting label.


Option to allow students to view questions after Quiz Due Date for limited time  This is a different way to solve the problem, but it doesn't address the misleading setting label. Also, for my purposes, it doesn't matter if the students can see the whole question. I just don't want them to see how their answers have been scored.


Release answers button for quizzes   This idea (I think) would solve the problem of having to change the quiz settings after a quiz is graded, but it doesn't address the use case posted to the old feature request forum.


My preference would be for the setting label to do what it says, but if that's not possible, please change the label to say what it does.


Comments from Instructure

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Not applicable

Hello - I just want to reiterate a piece of this Idea that didn't seem to get resolved:

Problem: Instructors looking to release Correct Answers at a specific date are at risk of unknowingly (or by lack of option) "releasing" correct answers to students immediately by selecting "Let Students see their Quiz Responses" and setting dates for "Let Students See the Correct Answers"


Since Incorrect Questions are indicated immediately upon Quiz submission - students will easily determine which answers are correct - which makes the option "Show Correct Answers at:"  ineffective.


If instructors wish to show correct answers by a certain date - no indication should be made on the quiz submission at all.  Perhaps this option shouldn't be exclusively tied to "Let Students See Their Quiz Response"

Community Participant

Yes please!

Community Team
Community Team
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas 
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Community Novice

Unless I'm missing something, this problem has still not been fixed. What we need is another option, which should be easy to program: allow students to see their responses without showing the questions they got incorrect or correct, at least up to the due date! (The current options are particularly problematic for true/false questions, as pointed out above, but also for multiple choice problems, where it provides an unfair advantage to students who have not taken the quiz, if they have a friend who has taken it and is willing to share the information with them. Implementing this would allow instructors to not have to manually check "Let students see their quiz responses" (with or without the correct responses) only after the due date.

I hope I am missing something! If so, please let us know if this option is already available but hidden. If there is some other reason not to implement this idea, please let us know that as well.

Community Novice

No, I don't think it has. Please see comment above.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @herzberg , the idea is marked complete because this functionality has been developed for New Quizzes. Please refer to 

Community Novice

I agree with Larry Herzberg that the quiz functionality we asked for a long time ago has NOT been implemented in the New Quizzes contrary to what Renee Carney stated. It appears that Canvas added a hundred different options for the quizzes that I don't care about, but they did not include one option that is discussed here and that is common sense: hide the quiz results from the students until after the deadline has passed, then release the quiz report. 

From what I could see in the "Canvas release notes (2019-02-16)", the instructor can modify WHAT the student sees after taking a quiz, but not WHEN he/she can see that. This is crazy! In most cases, we want to release the full quiz report with the answers marked as correct or incorrect to the student as feedback - but not until all other students in the class have taken that quiz! And that is one option that still does not exist in Canvas...

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

 @lshnayde ‌, a date setting was not requested in this feature idea, and you'll find that idea currently open for voting at 

Community Member

It's 2020 and this is still not working. Why can't Canvas just let the students see their quiz responses and nothing else? Or add anything else as an additional choice? I just want my students to see their answers without any feedback whatsoever. I don't want them to find out right away whether the answer is correct or incorrect. I just want them to be able to see their answer because many of them need that for piece of mind. It is not too hard!

Community Novice

I have been asking for it for years. They said they fixed this when they added the ability to see graded answers immediately, but I don't think the Canvas team members actually read any of these requests.