[Modules] Accurate Breadcrumb Trail in Modules

It would be great if the breadcrumb trail would follow your navigation correctly when you are working in modules rather than switching to "page", "discussions", "assignments" or whatever you click on. Would it be possible to add a "modules" breadcrumb?

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Status changed to: New
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Status changed to: Added to Theme
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Problem statement:

My students constantly struggle with navigation and if there was a button to return them to the module where the various assignments, quizzes, links, and resources were posted it would be much easier for them to navigate.

Proposed solution:

I think that a "Go Back/Return to Module Button" would greatly improve the flow especially using Canvas as an LMS in a public school. Simply returning them to the module they are mean to be in rather than to waste needlessly navigating and scrolling to the module or asking where the various items are posted again.

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