[Modules] Allow Users to pick which Modules to complete

Problem statement:

Instructors cannot set up module requirements in a course in a way that allows students to choose which topics they wish to complete if they do not need to complete them all. This can apply to both for-credit and for continuing & professional education courses.

Example: An instructor is teaching a business management course. There is an introduction module that all students need to complete, and then students get to pick 2 out of 6 available topics (e.g. project management, vendor relations, human resource management etc.) to specialize in. These 6 topics are set up as individual modules and have their own readings, tasks, assignments/quizzes. After completing the two chosen topics, students can unlock the last module of the course and complete their learning objectives. In a continuing & professional education setting, completing this last module could grant them a certificate / badge of completion.


Proposed solution:

Solution: Allow there to be an option when setting up module requirements that states "X/Y of the following requirements must be completed to access this module". This would allow instructors to designate all of the modules as potential requirements, include completion requirements in those modules, and then the student would simply have to complete the X number specified in order to unlock the final module.


User role(s):


Added to Theme

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Status changed to: Added to Theme

This idea has been added to the Expand support for student-driven learning in Canvas theme for further consideration.