[Modules] Module access to specific groups, sections or students

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas LMS

It would be great if I could give Modules unique gating rules specific to individual students or groups or sections within the course, similar to how I can create unique assignment due dates for different students and sections.

Added to Theme

Canvas Ideas Featured in 2024 Releases Theme Status: Delivered

Enable Differentiated Learning at Scale Theme Status: In Development

Community Participant

We have courses which are taught twice, once in each semester to one group and repeated in the second. There may be subtle differences to content between the semesters for example a seminar group may have a different teacher. We have tried managing this with semester groups divided into sections, and this works for assignments, but not for content. At the moment we have the option of copying the course to create two broadly similar clones or in some other way directing the student navigation through the course and hoping that they don't get lost. Being able to assign and lock down content through modules would solve this especially as the content needs to be available for students after they have finished the course.

Community Champion

This would be a very handy feature for me. We have a manually created course that is used for students needing test accommodations. I create separate sections for each instructor who wishes to use the course for testing for a student with accommodations, and make sure that things are very locked down for security/privacy reasons. I also make sure the tests are for just that student's particular course section only, but it would be great if I could also make Modules available to just people in a certain section. That would lock it down even more.

Community Contributor


This would be a very useful way to differentiate on content rather than just assignments. I may, say, have students that I want to complete a remedial module (e.g. one that helps them improve written expression).

Community Novice

I'd like to not only do this BUT also give an entire module a due date so I don't have to go assignments, discussion, quiz, 1 by 1 and set a date. If it's in the module it's due on X day.

Community Novice

I apologize for spamming you all, especially if you've already voted for my similar suggestion. But I only need 22 more votes to break the 100 vote threshold. If you support this, please vote for my similar suggestion:

Differentiated Pages

Thank you!


Community Novice

This would be extremely helpful for us.  Our police department uses Canvas to present content to officers located in seven different physical locations located across the state.

Some locations need more training materials than others and it would be nice to have modules only show up for specific groups.

Furthermore, some modules only apply to officers while others apply to officers and civilians.

We also have access to other LMS options, but so far canvas is much more user friendly.  If we could get this issue resolved it would be a big step towards being able to use Canvas to meet all of our e-training needs.

Thank you,


Community Novice

We really need this for our students. It would help to have it in place as soon as possible,

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

There is a significant project that we are working on early this year regarding personalized learning that will enable the workflows that are discussed here. This will be a big effort, but the implementation will likely be different than what is described here. We will be archiving this implementation of the feature, but are excited to show you what is coming soon.

Community Team
Community Team
  Idea is currently in Product Radar Learn more about this stage...
Community Team
Community Team

Mastery Paths​, was just announced in the Canvas Beta Release Notes (2016-11-07) and has great potential for this idea.  Happy exploring!

We also encourage you to take a few minutes to join the Beta Release (2016-11-07) Collaborative Chat and test the possibilities with your community!