[Modules] Need alert/notification when publishing items in unpublished module

So, after several weeks I'm halfway through a chapter and have published a large number of worksheets and lecture notes for my students.  Finally today, a student tells me he can't see an item I just published--and sure enough, I forgot to publish the module for the chapter.  There should be an alert or notification when you try to publish and item in an unpublished module!

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Maybe there was an alert once upon a time when I first published something in the unpublished module--but there should be an alert every time.

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When modules and assignments are created it is often a problem for our teachers that they fail to "publish" a module containing the assignment.  the students see the assignment because it is due but have no access to it and send  the teacher complaints and pleas to unlock the assignment.

Can Canvas notify instructors of assignments that have due dates within 15 days that are "unpublished" or in an unpublished module?  This would save frustration of students and faculty that sometimes miss publishing the module. 

William Riddell

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