[New Analytics] New Analytics date ranges

New analytics should have editable date ranges. This allows for more useful data.

Community Participant

Yes, please and consider for Ready Release. Since we've moved fully online, Program Managers have been asking me to produce weekly 'attendance' reports. Being able to filter the NA reporting would help immensely.

Community Participant

You may be able to run an access report that may help with what you need. Last user access may give you the information you need for this. 

Community Member

Is there any fix to this?  Our district would like to use New Analytics to email all students in a class who have a D or F in their current quarter not their past quarter.  How do we adjust the date range?

Community Participant

The issue is larger than just providing the ability for date ranges to be set. New Analytics should provide visibility across the entire duration of the course. Data is currently only available for the last 27 days. This is a deficiency compared to Course Analytics.

New Analytics should provide data from the course start date to end date.

Community Member

New Analytics does provide data from course start to end date.  However, if it is a year-long course, separated into 4 quarters, how can you see what the student is doing in just the current quarter?


Community Participant

@seavera If you try to run a Course Activity report with a date range (let's say 12 weeks) there's an info tooltip that specifies "Due to performance reasons, only a 2 week report is available for filtering in the browser. A 27 day unfiltered report is available: direct download."

That seems rather insufficient. So yes, there are date selectors but they don't meaningfully work.

Community Explorer

I agree with this. It would be helpful if reports could be pulled for the entire length of a course, or for a greater span of time than 27 days. 


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